rt) 5»10 min oval ptuslic bouds (blue), 2 3 x 5-mm rectargula' hnadr. (Otueł, 18 3 mm round lire-polished beads (flłve). G 2-mm pearl bfiaris (wbito), 500 1 8 mm Ihicc Cul teads (green), 3 2-r.m hsadpins 8 v-cm eycpms, I5mm (iametar) porforatad pin bark, nylon thrond (1 400 cm lenglh.
2 ICO-cm lengins. 1 30-cm length, 2 20-cm Ifirgrhs)
1Weava 3 rCY/5 to make pinsa. referrir.-rj 1o drawmgs. Tm throorlę; cut e*ccse» J Weave bortom ot purso. Ti© threads: cut exc©ss.
■X;'.Veuve dasp and fringe, referring 10 drawings.
« Attucłi beada to pedorated pin back (figs. A-C). Tle threads cn hs-de c* oin back: cul excess. In3ert a heacoin into pin back from Inside: round ord (fig. 5) Cut luby on bobom ol pin back in half and atlach to top.
Y-Jom broodi an<l puiuo. rclerrmy to druwings.
a liro—* polished beacs
Sirlng ?hre*-cut Mac3. lOata 1lrra. 8tlac"ing them to three-cut
brfiife in pyry?.
PR tluiHKiiI l>ivttfc;
(Back view)
tnfiCft liivi(l|iin into pla&tic baad.
3 llimn-ciil tmmlK —Fnn-pntpilMSl Ix:.-nl 3 three-cul tmarfc
•PUalic bead