SVK>43t VOC*»
Boning may be bo-ght Wholesale and cut a$ needed, <n which case the aharp ends mgji oe covered to evod penetratmg the garment fabnc and eauaing physica discomtort to the wearer.
Professional 0ressmake's and manufacturers of strapless garments order pre cut and f>n<shed tones recumng no oxtra preoaration
Three types of bonmg a'e m common use
(a) Spiral bonmg 12 wires m a contmuoos ooifl which bands forwards. backwards and sideways and is duraole and washable. Use where the booy needs to band.
(bl Stiff plastic. \vh>ch has taken the place of wha ebone which is morę r.giO Use in the back bodice and side seams Both these types must be mserted mto a casmg.
<c> Rigilene'. a 'boning' madę of 8 nylon fitaments woven nto a continuous strip, is a substitute for whaiebone but is not as strong Howeirer, t can be machmed elorg its yertical edges straight on to the fabnc and does not requ re a casing