Strjptoss btocfcs
(c) Preparo fabrl: aocilom- The front p<#€# apan# tr» US» Model th# contr# front panel to th#
who># frcot of th# »!ar*d Mark buat t«v«l and at'aigh1 curv#d panel lino.
Oram Fok3 ?cn (*•*) under for centre back
(#1 Cut nec klatę. Model th# a d# tfł Model :h# back panola igl R#mov# from atand. tru# vp and Njhten
panel ano complcto pand aaam foliom n® th# n#w p#n*l lin# beto* th* boat and the the top of the
aeama aa fc* th# a»de pand bk>ck. Add aeam aliowence.