The dasstc bodice blocks offer three tfstinct looks darted; panel lines from shoulder to v/aist and s»de parels fs^aped seems from ermhole to waistl Bodice blocks moy cxtend from shoulder to waist. to hip ievci. between the waist and hrp and abovo the w*i$t 1‘c'opped'.) When taken bcSow mid thigh thcy becomo dross blocks Tho wpist length blocks form the bodce for dresses with a waist seam; blocks extendmg below the waist can becomo olouses. dresses with a dropoed waist or leckets. Instructioos will be given for ai th*ee ciassic blocks. The techr ques mvclved are the basis of ai fitted styles and should be mastered before attemptmg those shown in the advanced sectoo
la) To Imd tne fobr*c langth reau rad. mea*oce from the iwl po<nt on thf frgnl of the »linj Ora* tha bu»1 point to tho froot waist. 44.Scm fl7H*L and add 10cm 14*). Toin • S4 Scm <2 Wi. To find tho fatnc width reo^irod maasure ffom contro front TO »idt team on buitme and add Scrr <2“> ono then from contr# ba:k to fd# aoam. aUo addirg 5cm <2*1 Added togethar. meso giva tha total w»dth of matarial noedod for modeli ng tho front and back half błock* to wa *t level Smp off tho *e vedgc and toar Off thi* longth.
<0> Mark a honjontal liro for bu*t losoi 30cm inv.-) down from :he top cdge of fadck Cut off two atr<>* focho back and front of błock Trim cff tha iabr»c *oivodga* and Tum undor a 2cm fl"> fofld for contra front and contro bock.
te) Align tho vertica itraght gram fold of »abric to contra 'ront >tand taamlma. matchirg bu*t laval Unea of fabnc and Hond Pm fabnc to cantra front ttard seamina. allcwlng 0 to axto»d beyord aho^der and wint. Smooth fabr« acro*s to **de *oam and aftach with anchor pin* at bu*t point. * do seam ond *houWar to contro* fabnc tamcorariiy.
<d) Romova ancnor pin at *ho-/dar and smooth fabnc up from tha bo»t (ora* Tho tirpiut fabnc batwaan nack point and łhouWer pomt vn« form tha tnouktor dart To shape the nediline. cont'ol tha fabnc boow tho nack li no wdh ona hand. eut away obv»ou* uirplu* fabrc. tnę to naci »«emline at tcm <H*| intarval* and pm just botow *oaml na Rodoca nam allowanca to V5cm IVV>.