8od<oboc‘»towois; oo<
Blocks constructod to any level below the waistline oro not simpty extenaed waist blocks. They do not 'nip in' tne waist to the same dcgroo as blocks ending at the waistme, The double-ended 'fish' dart is used on longer blocks This is narrowest at the waist ievei to allow a degree oł toleraoce. with tho widost part of the dart a little aoovo tho norma' waist. The side seam is less tittod to avoid it riding up when the arm Is liftec.
It is useful to model the tfocfcs to n p ievel to learn how to handlo tho 'fish' dort and to create extra toleranco m tne waist area.
niP 810CK y.TTM PISM PARTS (o> Wodol bodico. ibi Pck up ■ 1009 don on tho
cpmptoling tbo »>>ouldei ond penol lino, but mąko II l«*» »'mho'o Miko o tmoll buł! filtod rhon or lho wii»! błock. ■«v*i don.
ic> Smp tho don 01 tho wo<łt >dl Completo b*:k. (ol Finil poitorn.
<urvo. Allow o linio toWio-KO botwoan «<<M loom and froei don Re-pin »>C« mm.
Model mg o double dart Introducing oxtra tolerarce