Stretch fKKCS
Omilting the centro front seam gives scope for interesting design lines. Side panols and aerodynami body curvcs flatter sleek athietic flgures. Jse elastomenc piping or contrast stretch stitchmg to emphasize design l nes. The bacfc is seamed to aldw 'er the tong. curved crotch seam which comes further forward when the'e is no centre front seam.
'•I Cut a piece of febrlc Iw the front to cover both «ide» ot the *Mrd The f*br< for the Oack .»in two piece*. Pin the back and front lo the Mend and comprete modelllng down to hip iev#l. Cul the front fa&nc through contr* up to wtthln 2cm <H*I Of the front crotch Mum
ibl Cempr«<e the ot the Pont leg* The back r« thaped ai In preriou* cxerc>so*. Stretch th» faOric well forward to meet the troci crotch »
tcl Meatura the ttand throjgh tr*e crotchline to check th* total crotch utm lanflth.