They said.................
He explained............
She answered..........
They told me............
He said.....................
They advised us that
She told me........
He promised that
They said............
He said to me.....
Her mother said ....
They promised.......
She told me...........
He explained ło me
He said.................
She informed us....
They told me..........
I told her................
He explained.........
They promised.......
1 Wo will come late.'
2 I am busy now.’
3. 'I have re|ected his offer.’
4. 'We don'ł use much gas.’
!>. My wite didn'1 go with me.'
6 ‘Vou must be careful.’
7 The men are looking for you.1
8. 'I will give you protection.’
9 ‘We have finished our |ob.‘
10 ‘You shouldn’t surrender'
1 ‘She left yesterday.*
2. 'We will visit you tomorrow.*
3. ‘I cannot meet you next week '
4. 'i am working today.*
5. 'Jim went on holiday two days ago.’
6 'We are gotting married next week.'
7 'He died six weeks ago.'
8. 'I met Paul yesterday.*
9. 'She changed her job last year.'
10. ‘We will contact you next month.’
1. 'Who was with you yesterday?*
2. 'Where do you live?’
3. 'How did he get here?’
4. ‘Why have you dropped out?’
5. ‘What madę them split up?’
6. ‘When is he dnving to Leeds?'
7 'Why were they argulng?'
8 Who will stand in for me?'
9 'Was your brother bom in Italy?' 10 Have you met Cindy?'
He asked................
She wanted to know We were curious .. He wanted lo know
Iasked ..................
I wanted to know ...
We wondered .......
I was curious........
She asked Tom.....
He wanted to know
l’r*opłtz zdania otonuląc mowę zależną.
I i will come bełore noon if I get up early enough.' - he said.
Ho promised that.............................................................................
j Oon‘t touch the fuse?' - ho exclaimed.
Ho warned me.............................................................................
I Will you be able to help us with the bricks lomorrow?' - she asked.
She asked him......................................................................................
'I ‘I dldn‘t seil any secret Information.’ - he said.
The suspect denied...............................................................................
A ‘Don't forget to thank your aunt for her hospitality.' - she said.
Dlnne reminded us....................................................................................
P Yos. I have been invo!ved in black marketing.' - he said.
Ho admitted...............................................................................................
Don't move or else l'll shoot?’ - he shouted
lho terrorlst threatened.................. ................................................... ...
m 'Would you mmd it I took the bed near the window?' - she asked
I Qhe asked me....................................................................._.....................
j'You'd better not hesitate too long or you will lose another chance ‘ - he s.i d
Hu ndvised her.........................................................................................
J l ‘urn be afraid to comment on everything you consider to he wrong.' - he 1" i
Mo oncouraged us........................................................................................
book tickets for the flight.' - he said.
Mo ouggested............................................................................................
(Jluinge your clothes and wash your hands immediately.' - she said
ir ordered her children........................................................................
In- yourselves comfortable, please.' - she said.
n lnvlted her guests.............................................................................
bulił you write a prescription tor me. please.' - I satd.
rttkod the doctor .............................................................................
I vuu hnd turnod the headlighls on. I wouldn't have crashed nlo you * I unid itilci lho othor drlver...................................................................