Untitled 8

Untitled 8

arouod rhe cdgc oi che Iarget tireJe (phoio c).

[2]    Uoryi a pcrmancnt marker close to the co lor ot yoor nwrgaritas.eolor che inner firek- (photo d)

[3)    To embclłisft the center of the tlower, eie an oicrhand knot (Basx.s; at the cr>d of I rd. (.9 ml ot thread. Scw through the foundation from back

to ftoat>exituig nejr the edge of the co lorce! ctrcle. Wek up a f> mm margarita and a !5! secd hrad. Slup the 1S\ and scw back through the 6 mm (photo «| Kepe.it to fili in the colorcd circlc willi 6 mnis, pLacing them closc to cach other. (4J To make the flower pctals, usc a comfortahle length of thread, .md evii elose to the octtide edge of the oolorcd citcle. Kek up fiwr ! I'-' wed bradę, 3 i nuti erystal. and a 15V. Skip chr IP, and sew back through che 5 mm and the nrsit 1 lv. Pick up tliree 11% skip thrcc 11% and acw through tlie next 11Scw baek through the foondbtion (photo 1). (.'ome np through ihe funndaiion cliwc to the first peta!. Kepc.it arnund rhc orcie, [5] For each petal in the tecond round, pick up <cvcn 11'S, a 3 mm. and a 15’. Skip the 1>", and scw baek through the 3 mm and the next 1T. Piek up fW 11's skip fivc 11S, and scw through rtlc ncxt 11'. Se w hack through che foundation, and up through the foundation closc to the preriom peral. Rcpe.it around rhe circlc.

[•] (lantmoc .ukini): iouikIs of pętali until the OUOT circlc tf filled. mcrcnsing the numher of 1 l‘s pickcd up before the 3 ram by two in cach roinid.aml matching rhe sccond half of the pttal to tłve fint (photo g).

[7] lent the foundation nc.it the outet circlc of petafc. Pick up two 11*9, and scw down through the foundation. Gomc up nght ne.\t to wlictc ) on irwed through the foundation. Scw through the lan head added (photo h), Contimic in bruk stiteb (Basic*! alnng the omsidc edge of ehe circlc.

(81 If denred. cut a circlc of Ulrcasoede to fit the back of the emhcllwhrd circlc. Glue it to tlie back of the foundation, and Ict il dry.

W Center the ftowef on the herring-bone Strip, and iccure it hy tcwing through bcads in tlie brick stiteb edge and cottesponding bc.tds in the herring. bonc srrip (photo i). Repcat around the iłowe i, and cod tlie thiea O


To make a daintior bracclet, use a smaller euff, stitch a narrower strip of hemngborto, ond ©mbellish a smaller circlo of beadlng foundation. - Anna

Merle Berelouńtz ii j foodrr from Cape Town, South Afrted, icbo notc resides in Nrtc York City, the (■'.-S’.

VóuV ber Web sile, totsmoddicshcadi. eonu to fee morę of ber icork, nr e-nml ber ot ntimaddiefbeadf^me.er.com.

30 BsoJS&jttoo «miW. BeadAndButtoo.COn


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