

12 In the reaetion o)'carbowlic acicis v\ith ihionyl chloride is obtained: a) aikyl chloriclc: b) (/.-chloro carbosylic acid: e) acyl chlorido: d) dichloro carboxv-lic ; acid


2-Methvl-7>bulanol trcalcd willi conc. 1 DSO.i at elcvat.cd lempcraturc produccs: a) 2-methyl-1 -buiene; b) 2-methyi~2-butene; c) 2.2-dimethyl~3-methyl-1-bulcnc: cl) 1 -bulone


In the reaetion of methyl azide with 2-butyne. following compound is formed: a) 1.1.5-1 rimcihv 1 -1.7.3~lria/,olc: 1.4.5-1rimethv 1 -1.2.4-(riaz.ole: c) 1.3.5-trimethvM.2.4-triazole; d) 3,5-dimethyl-1,2.4-triazole

1 5

Cyclopcntcnc trcalcd willi brominc givcs: a) cis 1,2-dibroniocyclohcxanc: b) trans L2-dibromocyclohexane: c) l.l-dibromocyclohexane; d) 1.3-d i b ro m o c yc 1 o h c x a n c


Nitration of pyridine A'-oxide gices: a) 2-nitro derivative; b) 3-nitro; c) 4-nitro, d) rcaclion docs not occur.


Jn DNA is no! prcsenl: a) adenino, b) cylosinc: c) u rac i 1: d) guaninc


How many nitrogen atoms e x i s t in moleculc of adeninę: a) 3: b) 4: c) 5: d) 2


The kcloncs do nol rcacl willi: a) h\droxylaminc: b) alkohols: c) hydrogen cyanide: d) aikyl halides


In nitralion of alkancs by nilric acid at tcmpcralurc o\cr 450 the nilraling agent is: a) nitronium catiom b) nitronium anion; c) nitroniurn radical; d) nculral moleculc of nilric acid

To tal number ofmarks 20


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