Fron inside tbe fisb Jonah prayed to tbe LORD Lis GOD.

He said: "In My distress I called to tbe LORD, and HE answered ne . Fron tbe depths of tbe ęrraoe I called for belp, and ¥0U listened to My ery. ¥0U hurled Me into tbe deep, into tbe very heart of tbe seas, and tbe currents swirled about Me; al1 ¥OUR wawes and breakers swept ooer Me. I said, 'I Lave been banished froM ¥OUR sięrbt; yet I will look again toward ¥OUR Loly teMple.' The engulfing waters tbreatened Me, tbe deep surrounded Me; seaweed was wrapped around My bead. To tbe roots of tbe nountains I sank down; tbe eartb beneatb barred Me in foreoer. But ¥0U brougbt My life up froM tbe pit, O LORD My GOD.



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