s&h 031

s&h 031



all tbe tiuic, and tbat alone is so important tliat it is worth a ehapter by itsclf.

Up to forty a man may indulge iu many esercises whicb be will bave to relinquisb later, but tlić* aeeepted nile for after tliat age seems to be less riolent work, but eon-tinued longer.

Not one man in a lmudred eau suceced in attaiuing any very great museular derelop-ment after tbc age ol' forty bas been passed, but be eau improre bis bcaltli and keep bim-self in good conditiou, and tliat means a longer 1 if<* and fcwer doctor bills.

The brain worker is tbe one to wliom ex-ereise is absolutely necessary. His blood bas been going to wbcre it was most needed —tbe head—at tbe expense of tbe rest of bis body. Yiolent exercise is not good for bim —it is positirely injurious. Ile must start in vcry easily at first until bis eapacity for pbysical work is inereased and be is able to stand tbc uuusual strain. Wbeu bis beart is madę to beat faster than usnal, tbe blood


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