57312 s&h 077
After all lias been said and donn, tliere is only one proper way to massage, and tliat is w i tli the use of tlie liands. Many applianees have been inreutcd and exploited to make massage a labor-saring proposition, hut tliere is not one on tlie market that will do the work as it ouglit to be done. They will, of eour.se, do a certain ainount of kneading and pounding and produee a frietion, but they will not give tlie results.
Tliere are many different morements in massage, sueh as. for instanee, stroking, frietion, kneading and wliat is known as per-eussing.
The proper way to massage is to work di-rcetly on tlie bare skin, and wlien it is ueces-
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