4* Shoulcl tli© neceosity arise of an e arii er uso of the 3rd Carpathion Diviaion it lias been arranged between ua in the form ofa gentlame n's agreement, that the rect of the iznits belonging to the l0lish Aptay Corps in the Kast would join the ord Division as soon as the training of the ranaining units would be conrpleted and tholr battl© reaainess attained.
No operational needs which might arise in the meantime on o^her theatres of war cau invalidate the ;rinciple that the Anny 0orp3 should be used aa an entity nor will they cau3d the differsnt unita belonging to the Corps to ba used on differont theatres óf operations. If then for example urgent operat ional needs arose in the Bclkaris, the whole kr my Corps vould be sani there. But no situation will arine i# which ona Division of the Arą;
Corps would be enę>loyed for exnmple in Greeoe ano another elswhere, say in Italy,
5. Should the absolute neooo*i:l£’ arise of using the 5rd Onrpathi Liyisian in a a v a n c e, the conditions on which that formatlon i3 to bo ewployed will be set down additionally both from an orgonise^ md' an
operat ional point of view,
\ — * - - " -
3o far, the suninary of our oomreraation.
Please ailow me notł to enumerate at once 3everal points which seom essentlel to me should the case of real necessity arise of using the 3rd Oarpathian Division in advancei
a/ in accordcnce ith par. 2 of the MDiroctive Governing the Futo** Employmemc of the Foliah. Land Foroes" of the 18th Juno, 1943, /aef. No. 0173/329 £u 0# 1* b/the jiyision will not be used in the first landing operations from
1 X . ł• x* •••ii-*. . -j. •. i i> . ..v r j • |»
the sea^
c/ with the Division should go:
from Corps units: ono Medium Arty Rgt./mth 3ignal Plt & L.i0.D*/
from Corps Servicesi One C.C.S.,
One Transport Coy,
One '.Tbrkaliop.
* • •
Yout3 veiy sincerely,
• • •