23096 s&h 029
Jtlow tan they be?
II o w tan a roorn be elean if it isn't swept?
How can an engine run if ii isn't oared for and inspeeted at regular intmals?
If you allow tlie waste and drain pipes in your house to be tlogged up, will you be surprised if disease results?
You wouldnT Lolerate sucli a state of af-fairs for an instant.
Yet you will persistently neglect yourself and tliink you are all riglit.
You will eat enorinous quantities of every-tbing you happen to fanty and tben wonder why you reteire tbose pain signals.
If you are sliort of breatli you are taking less oxygen into your system tban you really need, and oxygen to you and to me, and to millions of ot bers, spells thc word “life.”
So wbat you want is exercise.
Tbere are a tbousand tbings you may do, and a part of tbem are <lealt witb in tbis book—enongb for auybody.
But don’t forget tbat you need fresb air
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