
Fig. 39. Starigard (Oldenburg). The sanctuary erected after the destruction of the church in the place of older hall buildings around 1000.1,2 - the presumed arrangement of the walls of houses; 3-a stove; 4 - a wood-paved road; 5 -a stone błock with a post-hole; 6 - horse skulls and bones; 7 - the same in stone tircles. After I. Gabriel, 1988, p. 78.
Podobne podstrony:
image054 Fig. 36. Starigard (Oldenburg). The location of the stronghold; after M. Muller-Wille, 1988image077 Fig. 64. Gniloy Kut near Grodek Podolsky. A plan and profile of ”the cult yard” or altar. 1image090 Fig. 73. The alleged sanctuary on Bogit mountain. The stronghold. The cult circle. The alleimage065 Fig. 52. Płock. The alleged pagan sanctuary, excavation site 3 (in Ihe abbey yard), layer Vimage078 Fig. 66. The sanctuary in Rzhavintse. Top: a plan of the stronghold with sounding excavatioimage038 a Fig 10 Idea of the “World tree" as the “World axis" implemented m settlements ocarving?ce! The Expressive Face 21 Fig. 39 Fig. 38 In Fig. 38, the nose has been developed, the -ostimage083 Fig. 67. The enthroning ceremony of a Carinthian prince on an engraving from Osłerreichischimage089 Fig- 71. The stoi»e walls around the peak of Góra Dobrzeszowska. 1 - the internal wali; 2 -image094 Fig. 75. The Krak Mound near Cracow. Photo L. Słupecki. is banished, and as the małe linę iimage007 Fig. 3. Old Uppsala. Alteged traces of the tempie under the church foundations; from F. Oelimage008 Fig. 4. Possible reconstructions of the tempie in Old Uppsala, drawings based cm: A.-C. Schimage017 Fig. 10. The plan of the stronghold m Arcona reconstructed by H.Berlekamp and J.Herrmann. Aimage023 Fig. 15. Korzenica-Garz. I, II, m - the alleged traces of temples in the stronghold; afterimage031 Throughout a century RadogoSć was the most important sanctuary in Polabia. According to Thiimage038 Fig. 17. Szczecin. The town arrangement in the earlier MiddJe Ages. 1 - the stronghold at timage042 Fig. 18. The topography of the early-raedjevaj Wolin. A - the presumed location of the tempwięcej podobnych podstron