turns counter
Turns counter and detent mechanism
Strip is 11 cm ling, last 1 cm is bent up 90 degrees.

A spring pulls on the stripo to turn it counterclockwise against the nut. Rubber bands can also be used.
Metal strip pressing against nut provides for six "clicks" or detent stops per turn. Prevents crank from turning due to vibration
This circle shows the path swept by the pin, advaning the wheel one notch each turn.
32 notches around wheel, one every 11.25 degrees. Makes for two inches of vertical adjustment per turn of the counter wheel.
Make from thin (5 mm or less) high guality plywood.
This błock serves as a pointer for where to read the numbers off the wheel.
2.7 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm (the exact shape doesn't matter)
Counter wheel is mounted with a smali compression spring to ensure it turns with friction

Spacer under wheel has indentation in middle to ensure contact area is away from center, causing morę friction. Make 3 mm thick. Indentation should be 2.5 cm or larger.
Spacer should be 5 cm in diameter or larger.
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