I h;tve great pica surę in introducing Tack Wardle, of South Kirkby, near 1'ontcfract, Yorks. A youth of 17 who is now kuown as "Samson of the Stone Quarries”—yet a few tuouths ago hc was a puny weakling, but with big »s-pirations. Ile had always l»nge<l for the grcat strer.gth and the big inuscles that big successful fellows have.
Reading about what the Apollon system couid do for a fellow, hc dccided to be a "go-getter" and so became an Apollon pupil. After a few weeks' training hc begatt to pile up inches >>f muscle on all part* of his body, adding 5-ins. to his che9t, 4-ins. on thighs, lj-ins. on biceps, and 1J stone in wcight. Iiis father and friencls are ani-azed at his strength, and no wonder. Six inch nails he bends likc wire, he boxes with SG-lb. weights overhcad, in the crab position Jack allows four pals to stand on his body. Takitig a FIVE
Apollon Pupil, rendy to face Hfc*» battlcs at 17 !
" Samson of the Stonc Quarries.”
strand expander (his dad can’ł puli three strands) lic can puli them across his clicst six times in succcssion!
At the ąuarries where he works, workmates gasp as Jack lifts cnormous blocks of stone as niere chtl«i's play. He is not afraid to take his shirt off any-where. His present mcasurcments are: Neck 16-ins., Chcst 42-ins., Biceps 14-ins- Forearms UA-ins., Thighs 23£tns., Calf* 15-ins., Wcight 12-stonc.
Ile wrotc to mc the othet day: " Up to now. Sir, 1 have been a darte horse, but I am going to speak my mind now. Yoti have done wonders with my body. Ali my fricmls admire mc, and my (ather say* hc would likc to shake your liand for all you have done for mc.” Jack'* big ambłtion now is to euter the men’* Physical Exccllcnce Competi-ttons in London. For his wottderful achievements I am awarding him with a solid silver cuji and medal.
YOU too can become a auccess if you will only try. The first step i» to fili in and post the Eurolmcnt Form. Do it NOW I
— 17 —