Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2013

Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2013

Rows 6-9;

Join white yora sc in some st as jołnlngandin eastocross (l8sc)Ch 1. Tum.

Rew 10 Inc first st, sc in next 16 sts. ino lost st.

(20 sc) Ch 3. Join ło tost row. first słot front pó©c©. Break off and faston Rejon yarn in last rew. lasf st a? bock piece on o? hor stoe. ch 3. join to free stoe of front piece, ch 1.

Bottom of shirt:

Rew 1:    scineastandchexexjnd (40sc)Join.

Ch 1

Rew 2:    sc in eo st around (40 sc) Join 8reak

off and fostea

Hnlshlng: Trtm oround armholes— join b!ue in any st in underarm. Sc in ea st and row around. (24 sc) Join Break off ond fasten.

Trim around coikar— Join biue yarn in any st In bock. si st In ea st around neckilne. (37 sl st) Break off and faston

Weave In loose onds ond cut off excess Tennls shorts: with white. ch 29.

Row 1:    sc in 2nd ch from hk In ea ch cscross.

(28 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Rows 2-3:    sc in ea st ocross. (28 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Break off and fasten ot ond of row 3.

Startlng legs: (bock slde of legs) Rejom white yom in 5th st from break off point, ch 5 Break off. Rejoin white yarn in 19th st from first st. ch 6 Tum Row 1-3 will continue to count as 1-3.

Rew 4 sc in 2nd ch from hk and in ea ch and st ocross to end of first ch. (29 sc) Ch 1. Tura

Row 5-10.    sc ineo st ocross. (29 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 11:    sc in first 7 sts. dec next st. sc in next 11

sts. dec next st. sc In lost 7 sts. (27 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 12 sc in first 7 sts. dec next st. sc in noxt 9 sts. dec next st. sc In lost 7 st* (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Rew 13:    sc in eo st ocross (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Rew 14:    sc In first 7 sts. dec r>oxt st. sc In next 7

sts. dec noxt st. sc in tost 7 sts. (23 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Rew 15    sc in first 11 sts. dec nextst.se In tost 10

sts (22 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 16:    sc in first 7 sts. dec next st. sc in noxt 4

sts. dec next st. sc in tost 7 sti (20 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Rew 17:    scinfirst9sts.decnextst.scintost9sts.

(19 sc) Breok off ond fasten Front port of legs: Rejoin yarn in samo st as bock leg started. (5th st from ond of wałst) Ch 5 Break off ond fasten Rejoin yarn In 5th st from end cf other stoe. Ch 6 Rcws 1-3 of wabt will bo countod os Rews 1-3 of legs dso

Rew 4:    scin 2r>d ch from hk and ineach ond

st ocross (9 sc) Continue v4th sc by fotolng other half of front walst. sc in first st of Rew 3 f hrough to end of ch 5. (17sctołai)Ch 1 Tum

Rcws 5-14: sc In ea st ocross (17 sc) Ch 1. Tum Break off and fasten ot end ot Rew 14. Flnlshlng: sew top of pant legs tog to end of ch 5. both steJos Sew bottom sidoof legs tog from ond to 8th st. sk 4 sts on besck side. sk 3 sts on front stoe. continue sewing on to end of other leg Sew vetoro piee»s on front ot shorts and shirt with needie and threcto fex ciosure 8o/s tennis ejutflt cescnpieted.

Girl's Sailor Suit


60 yds navy biue yora 60 yds white baby yom 3- Vi łnch buttons, 1- 12 inch pioco H Inch wide rod (ibben. needie and threcto. aochet hk size B. Shirt: With nesvy biue. ch 50 (stejrtlng ot bottom of shirt)

Rew 1:    sc in 2nd ch from hk end In ea ch

ocross. (49 sc) Ch 1 Tura Rows 2-4:    sc in ea st across (49 sc) Boso etone

Do not break off. Ch 1. Tum Rlght front ot shirt

Rew 1:    sc in ea of next 8 sts. (8 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Rews2-4:    sc in ea st oaoss (8 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Rew 5:    dec first st. scin tost 6sts. (7 sc)Ch 1.


Row 6:    sc in (Wst 5 sts. dec tost st. (6 sc) Ch 1.


Rew 7:    eJec first st, sc in lost 4 sts. (5 sc) Ch 1.


Rew 8:    sc In first 3 sts. dec tost st. (4 sc) Ch 1.



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