Row 12: decfirst$t.scinnext4stsdeciastst.(6
sc)Ch 1. Tum.
Rows 13-14: sc In ea st ocross (6 SC) Ch 1. Tum Rew 1 & sc In firsł st. ch 4. sk 4 sfs sc In lost st (2 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 16: sclneo$tandchocross(6sc)Ch1.
Rows 17-18: sc In eo st ocross (6 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 19: Inc first st, sc in noxt 4 sts inc tost st. (8
sc)Ch 1. Tum
Rows 20-21: sc m ©o st ocross (8 sc) Ch 1. Tum Rew 22: inc first st. scinnext6stsinclostst.(10
Row 23: sc in oa st ocross (10 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 24: inc first st. sc in next 8 sts. inc last st. (12
sc) Chi
Row 2& (rufflo) Join bhj© In first st. wortcing through front Ip onły- 2 sc in first st.' 3 sc in noxt st. 2 sc in n©xt st Rep from * ocross. Break off and fosten.
Row 26: Pickuppmk-working through bock'p
of Row 24-sc In oa st ocross (12 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 27: inc first st. sc in next 10 sts. inc lost st
(14 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 28-29: sc in ea st ocross (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Break off and fosten ot end of Row 29. Hnlshlng: wtth pmk. ch 25. join to Row 1 with a sc. sc In eo st ocross Row 1. ch 25. Break off and fosten Rep same procedur© on Row 29.
Bołtom of bikinl compieted
Bltónl top: With pink. ch 11.
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hk and in ea ch
ocross (10sc)Ch 1 Tum Row 2; sc In ea st ocross. (10 sc) Ch 1.
Row 3: Join bfue- working through bock Ip
only- 2 sc in first st. * 3 sc in noxf st. 2 sc in next st. Rep from * ocross Break off and fosten
Row 4: Pfck up pink- working through front Ip
only crf Row 2- sc in ea st across (10 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 5: incfirstst.scinnext8stslnclostst.(12
sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 6: inc first st. sc in next 10 sts. Inc lost st.
(14 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 7: sc in eost ocross (14 $c)8reak off and
Flnishf ng: With pink, ch 40. Join to Row 1 with sc. sc inea row down sidoof top piece, ch 40 Break off and fosten Rep procedurę for olhor sido Weave in ali looso yam onds Cut off any exce$s
Brkini compiotod
40 yds- otf-wfiite or whlte baby yom smoli omount
of połyfil toy stuffing. yom noodle słze 1 inch.
crochet hk size B.
Make 2. With white or off white. ch 9.
Row 1 sc in 2nd ch from hk and in ea of next
3 ch. 3 sc in next ch, sc In lost 3 ch. (10 sc) Ch 1. Turn.
Row 2 Inc first st. sc In next 8 sfs inc lost st ( 12 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 3: doc first st. sc in next 8 sts. dec lost st.
(10sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 4: sc in first 4 sts, dec noxt sf. sc in lost 4 sts
(9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rew 5: scin first 3 sts. dec miast 4 sts
(8 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Row 6: scin first 3 sts. dec In lost 3 sts
(7 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 7: scinfirjł2sts.decnextst.sciniost3słs
(6 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Raw8: sc In first 2 sts. dec nextst. scin lost 2 sts
(5 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Rows 9-12 sc in ea st ocross (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 13- sc m first 2 sts. inc next st. sc inlost 2sts
(6 SC) Ch 1 Tum
Row 14 sc In first 3 sts inc inlost 2sts
(7 sc) Ch 1, Tum
Row 15: sc In first 3 sts inc nextst. scin lost 3 sts
(8 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 16: sc inlost 4 sts.
(9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 17: inc first st.scinnoxt 7 sts inc lost st (11
sc)Ch1 Tum
Row 18: deefirst st.sclnnext3stssistinnextst.
sc in noxt 3 sts dec last st. (8 sc) Tum
Row 19. skflrstst.decnextsf.scinnextst.slstln
next st. sc m next st. dec next st. st st In last st. (4 sc) Break off ond fosten