Row 3: sc in somo st os joinlng and łn eo cf
next 13 sit (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 4: Inc first st. sc in next 12 sfs. inc lost st
(16 sc) O 1 Tum
Row 5: sc in eo st ocrosi (16 sc) Ch 1 Tum.
Rew 6: inc fot st. sc in next 14 sts. inc tost st.
(18 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 7-1Q sc in oa st aaoss (18 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 11: scocrossback poco(l8 sc).
oefoss front piece (18 sc). ch 3. joln to fiest st Row 11 o< bock piece. (36 sc) Ch 1
Row 12: scineastondchoround.(42sc)Joir\
Ch 2
Row 13: entiro rew/ will Pe v/orked In hdc) hdc
in first 9 sts. inc next st. hdc In next 9 sts. inc next st. hdc in next 10 sti inc next st. hdc in next9 sti inc next st. hdc m lost st. (46 hdc) Joln Ch 3
Row 14: (entke row wll be workod in dc) etc in
first st, ‘inc next st. dc in next st. Rep from * oround. (69 dc) Join. Ch 3.
Raw 15: dc ineost oround. (69 dc) Joln. Ch1.
Row 16c sc In first st. * ch 3. sk 2 sti sc in next st. Rep from * oround. Join. Ch 3.
Row 17: dcinflrstst. 3dclnnextch3spoce. *
dc In next sc. 3 dc In noxt ch 3 spoce. Rop from ’ oround. (93 dc) Join Ch 3.
Row 18: dc in eo st oround (93 sc) Join Ch 1.
Row 19. Rep Row 16. Joln. Ch 3
Row 20 dc In first st. 2 dc inch3 spocę. * dc in next st. 2 dc Inch3 spocę Rep from * oround (95 dc) Jc*r\ Ch 3.
Row 21: dc ineost oround. (95 dc) Join Ch1.
Row 22 Rop Row 16. Join Ch 1
Row 23: sc in first st. ch 4. sk 2 sti * sc ki next st.
ch 4. sk 2 sts. sc in next st Rop from * oround. Joln Ch 1.
Rew 24: sl st to first ch 4 spocę, sc In first ch 4
spocę, ch 5. sk next sc. * ch 5. sk n©xt sc. sc in next ch 4 spocę Rep from * oround Join to first sc. Ch 1
Row 25: Rep Row 24 Broak off ond fosłon.
Steewes: Join yam In ony st in ormholo underorm.
Row 1: sclnsomestasjomingandtnnext3
sti Inc noxt 5 sti sc In kast 15 sti (29 sc) Join Ch 1.
Row 2 sc Ineost oround (29 sc) Join Ch1.
Rew 3: scinfirst2słilncnext11 stiscinlost
16 sts (40 sc) Join Ch 1.
Rew 4: sc In eo st oround (40 sc) Join. Ch 1.
Row 5: decfirstst. 'sc next in
next st. Rep from * arcund. (27 sc) Join Ch 1.
Row & dec eo st oround (14 sc) Join Ch 1. Row 7: sc in first st. • ch 4, sk 1 st. sc in noxt st.
Rop from * oround. (7 sc) Joln Breok off ond fosten
Wea/e in ali looso yam ends and cut off oxce$s.
Woavoinch white ribbon - approx. 18 inches kx>o
fhrough oa st of Row 1. Tio In bow.
W-1.75 oł skein whrte boby yam. 16 inchos- Y* Inch wide whlfo rlbboa crochet hk size D. 1 inch yam needie. 1- V* inch button With whife. Ch 26.
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hk ond in eo ch
ocrosi (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2 inc first st. sc In next 11 sti Inc next
in next 11 sti lnclastst.(28sc)Ch1. Tum
Row 3: 1st front piece Isstortedhere-sc in first
5 sti (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 4: sc in eo st ocrosi (5 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Row 5: Inc first st. sc In lost 4 sti (6 sc) Ch 1.
Row 6: sc In eo st ocrosi (6 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 7: inc first st. SC In lost 5 sti (7 sc) Ch 1.
Rows 8-10 sc in eo st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum.
Break off ond fosten ot ond of Row 10
Bock piece: Rows 1 & 2 of bose piece wtt be ccosidetod Rows 1 &2cf back piece Rejoin yam In bose. 3rd st from front piece Row 3 sc In somo st os joining ond in eo of noxt 13 sts. (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 4: inc first st. sc łn next 12 sti Inc last st.
(16 sc) Ch 1. Tun
Row 5: sc In oa st ocrosi (16 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 6- inc first st. sc in next 14 sts. Inc last st. (18 sc) Ch 1. Tun.
Rows 7-10 sc in eo st ocrosi (18 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Broak off ond fosten at ond cf Row 10.
2nd Front Piece: Rep first front piece (besurę on inc ero on open odge of front piece)
Rejoin yam in end st of Row 10 of 1st front piece.