Row 5:
Row 6: sc In go jtocross. (6 sc)Ch 1. Tura
Row 7: Inc first st. sc in last 5 sts (7 sc) Ch 1.
Rows 8-10 sc In eo st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Break off and fosten ot end of Row 10. Bock piece:(Rows 1&2of bosecountasRowslA 2 of bock piece) sk 2 sts from front piece. )ołn yam In 3rd $t
Row 3 scinsamestasjoinlngondlnnoxt13 st* (14 sc) Ch 1 Tym
Row 4: Inc fint st. sc in nert 12 sts. inc tost st.
(16 sc) Ch1. Tum
Row 5: sc m ea st ocross (16 sc) Ch1 Tum
Row 6: Inc fint st. sc In next 14 $ls. Inc tost st.
(18 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 7-10 sc in ea st ocross (18 sc)Ch 1. Tun.
Break off and fosten at end of Row 10
Front other słde: sk 2 sts from bock piece. K*n yom In 3rd st from bock płoco.
Row 1: sc In somo st as Jotoing and in ea of
next 4 st*. (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum Rows 2-10 fcllow pattorn for front piece on other yde Break off and fosten ot end of Row 10.
Row 11: Rojoin yam at beginning of Rcw 10
fint front piece; sc ocrass front piece (7 sc). ch 3. sc ocross bock piece (18 sc). ch 3. sc ocross other front piece (7 sc). (32 sc) Ch 3. Tun.
Row 12 2dcinfirstst.dcinnext6sts.dcinnext 3 ch. dc in next 18st*dclnnext3ch. dc in next 6 sts. 2 dc in tost st. (40dc) Break off and fosten
Finlthlng: Join yam In any st neor undor arm Working around arm edge— sc In same st os jolning. ch 3. sc In noxt st Rep pattern around ormhole from *. Weave H inch nbbon through Row 1. Leave 4 Inches excess for tying in a bow Rep same pattorn for other arm hole. Woave in oll yam ends and cut off excos*
Top compietod.
BoMomt: ch 22.
Row 1 sc in 2nd ch from hk and in oa ch ocross. (21 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2. decfintst.scinnextl7st*dectostst.
(19 sc) Ch iTurn
Row 3: sc in oa st ocross (19 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 4: decfirst st.scinnext15st*dectastst
(17 sc) Ch1. Tum
sc in ea st ocross (17 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Row & dec first st. sc in next 13 sts dec last st. (15 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 7: dec first In next1lst* dec tost st.
(13 sc) Ch 1.Tum.
Row 8: dec fint st. sc In next 9 sts. dec tost st.
(11 sc) Ch 1 Tum.
Row 9. dec fint st. sc In noxt 7 sts. dec last sł (9
sc) Ch 1 Tum.
RowlOt decfirstst,scinnoxt5sł*dectoslsł.(7 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 11-12 sc in ea st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 13: sc in first 5 sts. sc in tost st. (2
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 14: sc in ea st and ch ocross. (7 sc) Chi
Rows 15-16: sc in ea st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 17: Inc fint st. sc in next 5 st* inc tost st (9
sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 18: sc m oa st ocross. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 19: lncfifsfst.scinnext7sts.inctostst.(11
sc)Ch 1. Tum.
Row 20: sc inea st ocross (11 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 21 ir»cfinfst.scinnext9st$.lnctastst (13
sc) Chi Tum.
Row 22: sc in ea st ocross (13 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 23: Inc fint st. sc in next 11 st* inc tost st.
(15 sc) Ch 1, Tum.
Row 24: sc Inea st ocross (15 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 25: SCinfirsf 2 st* sc innext 8 st*
ch2.sk2sts.scintostst.(11 sc)Ch 1 Tum.
Row 26. scineastandchocross(l5sc)8rook
off and faston.
Hnlshing: sew butfons on botween rew 1 & 2.2 sts fromodgoofpioco TieabowwitMiinchiibbooln center of bock of bottoms Weave m oll soose yam ends and cut off oxcess Cut off excess nbbon
Same os for Girl s Layetfe set.
Bonneł: Using opproprtote cołor— foliow pottem same as for Glrfs bon net.
Top: Ch 45
Row 1: hdc in 3rd ch from hk and In ea ch
ocross (43 hdc) Ch 1 Tum Row 2: sc in ea st ocross (43 sc)Ch 1. Tum
Row 3. dec first st. sc In noxt 10 st* dec next 2 sf*sclnnext 11 sts.decnoxt2sts.scin noxt 10 st* dec last st. (37 sc) Ch 1 Tum,