Row 16: WHh MC— dec ftrst st. sc In next st. Joln
CC. sc CC In r>oxt 2 sts Jom MC. sc MC In tost 16 sts dec lost st. (21 sc)Ch 1. Tum.
Rew 17: WithMCdecflrstst.scinnoxt7sis.dec
next 2 sts. sc in next 3 sts. breefc off MC. scCCmnext3stsbreakoffCC.wtfh MC- dec tost st. (17 sc) Ch 1. Tum Rows 18-21: Wlfh MC orty. fbiiow patiem same as for Buiidog puppy.
Sewlng Instructtons Follow mstructions for Buiidog
Throat piece: With MC ch 8.
Row 1: sc In 2nd choin from hk ond In ea ch
ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2 sc In ea st ocross. (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 3: sc In fkst3 sts. miast3sts.
(8 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rew 4: sem flrst 4 sts Inc In tost 3 sts
(9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row5: scmflrst 4 sts. In lost 4 sts.
(10 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Raw 6: sc Inflrst 4 sts. Inc In tost 5 sts.
(11 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 7: mcflrstsł.sclnnexf9słs.mctostst.(13
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 8: sc In ©o st acrass (13 sc) Ch 1. Tun.
Row 9. sc inflrst 6 sts. Inc In tost 6 sts
(14 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Rows 10-12 sc In eo st ocross (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 13: sc m flrst 6 sts. dec next st. sc m tost 6
sts (13 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 14: sc In flrst 5 sts dec In tost 6 sts
(12 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 15: decfirstst.scinnext3stsdecnexist,
sc m next 3 sts. dec tost st. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 16
In noxt 2 sts. st st in tost st. (6sc) Breok off and fasten.
Using MC- follow stuffing body ond sewlng Instructtons same os for Buiidog puppy.
Tali: Using MC follow pattem same as for BuBdog puppy.
Ears: Mcko 2. Wlfh MC. ch 6.
Row V sc rn 2nd ch from hk and m ea ch ocross (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2 sc In ea st ocross. (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 3: Inc flrst st. sc In next 3 sts mc tost st. (7
sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 4: sc In ea st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 5: Inc flrst st. sc In next 5 sts. Inc tost st. (9
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 6-11: sc In ea st ocross. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 12 decfirstst.scinnexf5sts.dectastst.(7 sc)Ch1.Tum
Row 13: dec flrst In next 3 sts. dec tost st. (5
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 14: sk flrst st. sc mnext 3 sts. sl st m tost st. (3
SC) Brock off ond fosten.
Ear wtth spot: With MC. Ch 6.
Follow flrst Spaniel ear pattom Rows 1-3.
Row 4: sc MC In flrst 3 sts. Joln CC sc CC m
next 2 sts. join MC. sc MC in tost 2 sts. ( 7 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 5. With MC, Inc flrst In CC
m next 3 sts. wtth mc. sc m tost st. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tun
Row 6: scMCmf«
MC m tost 3 sts (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 7:
MC m tost st. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 8: sc MC m flrst st. break off CC in
next 5 sts. sc MC m tost 3 sts (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 9: sc MC m flrst 4 sts sc CC mnoxt 5 sts (9
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 10: sc CC inflrst 4 sts sc MC miast 5 sts (9
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 11: sc MC m flrst 6 sts sc CC m tost 3 sts (9
sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 12 With CC- dec flrst st. breok off CC wtth MC sc In next 5 sts dec tost st. (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 13: With MC orty—dec «nnext 3
sts dec tost st. (5 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 14: skfirsfst.scmnoxt3$tsslstmiostst.(3
sc) Break off and fosten
Sew ears: usmg MC— follow some instrueftonsasfor 8uiidog puppy
Nose ond sewlng Instructtons: Follow samo os for BuBdog puppy.
Face sculpłlng: With MC ond yam neodie. aftach yam to top stoe sectton of foce and throat soam. opprox 3 sts in from soam Push needle ond yam through samo place as yam was attoebed— to Row 10 from foco soam. center foce (counting from foce and throat seom) F\jll tlghtty. Rep proceduro 3 limes working 1 row up ond 1 row down in mouth aroa ond working ocross in 10th row f owords center of row. Rop some procedurę for other side of foce
flnlshing: Follow oł mstruetton undor heoding of RNCHJNG some as those for BuBdog puppy. Spartol compioted