Row5: sc infirst2sts. * inc next st. sc in next 2
sts. Rep from' around. End rowwłth 1 sc in last st. (29 sc) Jota Ch 1.
Rows 6-7: sc in ea st oround (29 sc) Joła Ch 1
Rew 8: Worióng through bock lp onty— sc in
fkst 3 sts. ch 5. sk 5 sts. sc In next 12 sts. ch 5. sk 5 sts. sc in tost 4 sts. (19 sc) (10 ch) Join. Ch 1.
Rcw9. sc inftrsł 3 sts.
Innext12 in tost 4 sts (19 sc) (10 eh) Jola Ch1 Rew 10: sclneastandcharoond.(29sc)Joia
Ch 1.
Row 11: sc in first 5 sts.' Inc next st. sc in next 5
sts Rep from * oround. Jola Ch 1. Row 12 sc in first 4 sts * Inc innoxt 4 sts Rep from * around. End row with 1 $c in oa of los? 3 sts (39 sc) Joln Breok off and foston.
Row 13: Joln Novy blue ot break off point, sc In
ea st around (39 sc) Join Break off and fasten
Row 14: Jom whłto in breok off point, sc in ea st
around- (39 sc) Joln, Breok off and foston
Notę: wheo piocing tho hot on tho pupp/s heod— ears shoufd go through spocę left for oors and over ch 5 to Insure that hot wM stay on.
Soilor hot compieted.
90 yds yoliow boby yam. 2-Y, inch buttons 1-12 lach ptece '■% inch wtde whlte nbbon. 1 -16 inch long % Inch wtde piece white rtbbon. crochet hks we B and D.
With yellow yom and sizo 8 crochet hk. ch 49. Row 1 sc in 2nd ch from hk and in oa ch ocross (48 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 2 hdc in first st * ch 1.. sk 1st st, hdc in next st. Rep from * ocross End row with 1 hdc ineaofk3st2sts(25hdc)Chl Tum.
Row 3: sc ineast and ch ocross (48 sc)Ch1
Row 4: inc first st. sc In next 46 sts. inc last st.
Join to first st in Row 4 Breok off and fostea
Bock of Sunsuit:
Row 5: Count 15 sts to right of Jolnlng. )ołn
yam in 15th st. sc in same st osjaning and in ea of neott 29 sts (30 sc) Ch 1 Tun Row 6: sc inea st ocross (30 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 7: sc In first 14 sts.docnextst.$c In last 14
sts (29 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 8: 1 st ruffie-working through front lp onty
- 2 sc in first st. * 3 sc In next st. 2 sc in next st. 3 sc in next st. Rep from * ocross. (71 sc) Tum.
Raw 9. Return to row 7— working through bock lp onty— sc in ea st ocross (29 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 10: sc in first 14 sts. In last 13
sts (28 sc) Ch 1. Tura
Row 11: sc In first 13 In kast 13
sts. (27 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 12 Rep Row 8 (70 sc)
Row 13: Rep Row 9. (27 sc)
Row 14: sclnfirstst.decnextst.scinnext22st$.
dec next st. sc In last st. (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 15: sc in first In next 9 sts.
dec next $t. sc in next 8 sts. dec nextst, sc in lost st (22 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 16: Rep Row 8. (57 sc)
Row 17: Rep Row 9. (22 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 18: sc in first st. dec next st. sc in next 7 sts.
dec next st. sc in next 7 sts. dec next st. sc in last st (19 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 19. sc in first innext 6 sts.
dec next st. sc in next 5 sts. dec rvext st. sc in last st. (16 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 20: scinfirstst.decnextst.scinnextHsts.
dec next st. sc in last st. (14 sc) Ch 1 Tum.
Rows 21-24: sc in ea st ocross (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum. Row 25: scinfirst5sts.ch4.sk4sts.scinlast5
sts (10 sc)Ch 1. Tura
Row 26: sc In ea st and ch ocross. (14 sc) Ch 1.
Row 27: mc first st. sc in next 13 sts. Inc last st
(16 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 28: scinfirst8sfs.incnextst.scinlost7sts
(17 sc) Ch 1. Tim
Row 29: inc first st. sc in next 15 sts. Inc last st.
(19 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Rows 30-31: sc in ea st ocross. (19 sc) Ch 1. Tum. Row 32: sc in first 8 sts. dec next in last 9 sts
(18 sc) Ch 1. Tum.