Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2023

Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2023

Rew11:    sc ocross front piec© (7 $c). ch 3. sc

ocross bock pleco (18 sc). ch 3. sc oaoss 2nd front piec© (7 sc). Join to 1st front pioco first st. Ch 3. (32 sc) Row 12:    dc in eost and ch ocross (38 dc) Join

Ch 1.

Row 13:    sc in oo st oround. (38 sc) Join. Break

ort and fosten

Row 14:    front section of dioper started here-

Re)o<n yam in sc dkectty under underarm. Sc in samo st os joinlng and in ©a of next 14 sts (15sc)Ch 1. Tum.

Rcws 15-16: sc in ©a st oaoss (15 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 17:    dec first st.scinnext 11 sts. d©c tost st.

(13 sc) Ch 1, Tum.

Rew 18;    sc in first 6 sts. dec next st. sc in tost 5 sts.

(12 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 19:    sc in ea st oaoss (12 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Rew 20c dec first st. sc in n©xt 8 sts. doc lost st. (10 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 21:    scinfirst4sts.decnextst.sc»nlost4st$.

(9 sc)Ch 1. Tura

Rew 22:    decfirstst.scinnext5sts.dectostst.(7

sc)Ch 1. Tum

Rows 23-24: sc in ©a st oaoss (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 25:    sc in first 2 sts. ch3.sk 3 sts. scin tost 2

sts (4 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 26 sc in oa st ood ch ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 27-28: sc in ©a st oaoss (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum. Row 29. inc first st. sc in noxt 5 sts. Inc tost st. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 30    sc in first 4 sts inc nextst. scin tost 4 sts.

(10 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 31:    incfirstst.scinn©x18stsinctostst.(12

sc) Ch I.Tum

Row 3? sc in ©o st ocross (12 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 33:    inc first st. sc In next 10 sts. Inc tost st.

(14 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 34:    sc in first 7 sts. inc ne*tst. scin tost 6 sts

(15 sc)Ch 1. Tum

Rcw3& inc first st. scin next 13 sts inc lost st. (17 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Rew 36:    lncfirstst.scinnext7stslncnextst.se

in n©xt 7 sts Inc lost st (20 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 37:    inc first st. sc in next 18 sts inc tost st.

(22 sc) Break ort and fosten With yam need© and yom - With right sidos focing ©a other - sow bock piec© of dioper to bock piece

of top centering so thot sts between bock ond front dtoper piec© are ©v«en

Woav© WinchwW©whlteribbonapprox lóinches long through Rew 12 of suit. sterting in front center. Sleewes: Join wtkte in center underarm st.

Rew 1 sc in somo st c»s jolning and in ©a st around (25 sc) Join Ch 1.

Rew 2:    sc In ea st around. (25 sc) Join. Ch 1.

Rcw3:    sc in first $t.docn©xtst.sc In n©xt 4 sts

dec n©xt st. sc in next 4 sts doc n©xt st. sc in next 4 sts dec next st. sc In lost 4 sts (21 sc) Join Ch 1

Row 4:    sc in ©o st oround (21 sc) Join Break

ort ond fosten Rep pottom for other sie©ve.

Coiton Artach yam to bortom of V In front.

Row 1:    scupioftsjdetoRow3.ch1.skl st.se

InRowI (11 sc). - Contlnu© around - 2 SC In comer st. sc in next 21 sts 2 sc In ond st of Row 1. (36 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2 Inc first st, sc in n©xt 24 sts inc tost st (28 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 3:    Inc first st. sc in next 26 sts inc tost st

(30 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 4:    inc first st. sc In n©xt 28 sts inc tost st

(32 sc) Break ort and fosten Sow y* inch burton on right front sido.

Bo/s Christ ©ning Suit compłeted

Chrisłening Bonn©! (Fabw and gm)


H - 1.75 oz. skein whlte baby yom. % inch whrte ribbon - apprcoi 16 inches long. Crochet hk slzo D. With white. ch 27

Row 1:    sc ln 2nd ch from hk ond m oo

remdnlng ch oaoss (26 sc) Ch 3. Tum

Row 2:    dcinoostocross(26dc)Ch1.Tum

Row 3:    dec first 2 sts sc in next st, hdc In nexf

st. dc in noxt st. tre innext st.ch 1. sk 1 st. tre in next st. dc in noxt st. hdc in next st. (sc) inc in next st. sc in next st. (sc) inc In n©xt st. hdc in next st.de in next st. tre in next st. ch 1. sk 1 st. tre in n©xt st. dc in next st. hdc in next st. sc ln r>ext st. (sc) dec lost 2 sts. (22 sts) Ch 1. Tum


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