Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2012

Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2012

Rows 4-5:

Rows3-5:    sdneostocross (10sc)Ch1. TgmAt

end ot row 5. ch 3. Join to bock pece on mot sde Breok ort and tosten Join yam tootherstoocf frcnt płece. ch 3. Joirs to other stoe of bock piece Ch 1. Tum Do not breok ort. Rew 1 ot sk>rt wili Oegln ot


Rowl scineastondchoround (36sc)Joln. Ch 1

Row 2    2 hdc in ea st around. (72 hdc) Join.


Rows 3-4:    hdc In ea st around (72 hdc) Join

Breok ort ond fasten

Rew 5:    Jotn plnk yom in tost st of rew A sc In

same st osjolnmgand in ea st around (72 sc) Join. Break ort ond tosten


A/m edging: Join plnk yam in ony st under arm. Sc in same st as Joining ond In ea st ond rew around Break ort ond tosten Rep for other orm Neck edgmg. join płnk yom in brook ort point ot neckime Si st in nexi 20 sts sk next st. sl st In romoning 15 sts Break ort and tosten.

Ponties: with whilo. Ch 22 Rew 1:    sc m 2nd ch from hk and in ea ch

ocross (21 sc) Ch1 Tum Rew 2.    dectatst.scinnextl7stsdectostst

(19 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Rew 3 sc in oa st ocross (19 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row A    dec first st, sc innext 15sts.dec kast st

(17sc)Ch 1 Tum.

Row 5:    sc In ea st ocross (17 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Rew 6 dec first st. sc łnnext 13 sts. dec tost st. (15 sc) Chi Tum.

Row 7:    dec first st. sc innext 11 sts. dec tost st

(13 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 8:    dec first st. sc in next 9 sts. dec tost st

(11 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 9;    decfir$tst.scinnexl7sts.dectosfst.(9

sc)Ch 1. Tum

Row 10    docfirsfst.scinnoxl5stsdectostst (7

sc) Ch 1 Tum

Rows 11-12: sc ln ea st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 13:    sc m first st. Ch5.sk 5 sts. sc in tost st. (2

sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 14:    sc m ea St and Ch ocross (7 sc) Ch 1


Rows 15-16 sc In ea st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 17:    inc first st. sc in next 5 sts inc tost st. (9

sc)Ch 1. Tum

Row 18:    sc in eo st ocross (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Row 19:    inc first st. sc in next 7 st. inc tost. (11 sc)

Ch 1 Tum

Row 20 sc in ea st ocross. (11 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 21:    Inc first st.se In noxt 9 sts. inc tost st (13

sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 22 sc «n ea st ocross (13 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 23:    inc first st. sc in next 11 sts. inc tost st

(15 sc) Chi Tum

Rows 24-26: sc in eo st ocross (15 SC) Ch 1. Tum Break ort ond toston ot ond of Raw 26 Flnishinguoin pink yom in ony st.

Rov 1 sc in samo st as jołnłng and in ea st and row around (85 sc) Join Break ort and tosten

Sew % inch ve*cro pieces on - inside of bock piece, outsido of front piece Girfs tenne outlłt compłoted

Bo/s Tennls Outflł


Vi-1.75 skeln white baby yam (50 yds). 5- yds fight biue boby yam. needto and theod. 2- % inch vetcro squores crochet hk sizo D.

Shlrt: with white.ch 37. Join Row 1    sc in same ch os Joining. sc In next 5

ch. 3 sc in natt ch. sc in nerf sc ln tost 31 ch (39 sc) Join. Ch 1

Row 2 front wni be stortedatfhis point-sc in first 6 sts 3 sc In next st. sc in next 6 sts (15 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 3    sc in ea st ocross (15 sc) Break ort ond


Row 4-5:    Join biue. sc in same stos joining and

In oostocross (15sc)ChlTum Break ort and faston at ond of Row 5.

Rows 6-7:    Join white sc in same stos Joining and

in ea st ocross (15 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 8:    inc ftot st. sc m next 13 sts mc tost st

(17 sc) Brocfc ort ond fasten Bock: sk 3 sts from front piece, join white yam in 4th st from front piece Row 1 of bose will oount os Row 1 for bock piece

Row 2 sc łn same stos Jołnłng and In next 17 sts (18 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 3. sc in ea st ocross (18sc) Break ort ond fasten

Join biue. sc in same st as Joining and In ea st ocross (18 sc)Ch 1 Tum Break ort and fasten at end of Row 5.


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