vibro 01

vibro 01

A Chair . . .

And Let’s Talk About



?0*$e<ond Fiermes tafrodwong J Gnoi Pnmtpin




Body-building knowledge I JOE bonomo    have acquired over a life-

time is yours in this complcte course, covcring boli) Isomctric and Isotonic exercise routines. It can be worth its weight in gold to you . . . can help you mold yourself into ati individual of dynamie strength . . . or it can galher dust on your bookshelf. Its value depends entirely on yourself ... on your own will to improvc!

I can no morc tban be your instructor for the next thres weeks . . . wliat can be the most imporlant period in your life . . . the start of a program tbat arill lead to fantastic. physical development. It is up to you to do the rest . . . if you will follow my scicntifically balanced Vibro-Power regimen, you will reap the rewards. You will not only feel better and look better . . . you will be keener and morę alert . . . you will be a morę forceful and yigorous you!

Unlike other books of this typc wliich may be complicated and diflicull to understand, lacking the warmth of personalized instruction . . .

i    (c ontinued)


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