img101 (27)

img101 (27)

The simiiarity between his latcsl book Ordinary Heroes and his earlier bestsellers lies in

A.    the setting of thc plot.

B.    the profcssion of the main character.

C.    the timc of the action.

10. Ordinary Heroes is NOT

A.    a true story of wartime adventure with a lovc triangle theme.

B.    a historical novel touching upon serious mora! issues.

C.    a chronicie written in thc form of a diary.

Test 2: Rozumienie tekstu pisanego (20 pkt.) pytania 11-20

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie wybierz właściwe dokończenia zdań spośród trzech podanych moż.liwości. W każdym przypadku tylko jedna opcja jest w pełni poprawna. Swój wybór zaznacz na karcie odpowiedzi nr 1.

Re ad the tcxt betów and complete the sentences that follow it by choosing the right option. Mark your answers on answer sheet 1.    y ~f    Y\ U-



StudentSiSwap-pmtsjfor Pilafces*

lic stereotype of the beer-drinking, kebab-eating health disaster-zone is being left behind by \ stndcnts, who are switching to ą mo/ejuptąnical, cłean-living lifestyle, according to a recent V/survey, About 25% are now^eemta^tł^NaSonal Union of Students’ Services Section says -winie the rest ofthe student population shows a growine appetite for exercise facilities and healthy eating. This contrasts sharpTw with that iWiBespreaa, image ofthe beer-drinking (ayaboutj-fond of latc-moming lie-ins after łong nights spent in smoky backstreet pubs.

—^ As a sign of the limes, the plan from NUS Services is to promote a new juice bar concept in Student Union buildings around the country. And next month, the NUS Welfare Section will Vinvite Student Unions to promise that morę events will be hejd in alcohol-freeivenues r so that 3 a wider rangę of students may take part in activities.    ~ oTTPj'5'8'

\ The Campaign for Real AJe has said that 26 pubs close every month - but there are few signs (Jjthnt students will be filling the empty bar-stooljrjf anything, they appear to be leading the O dcparturjjrom the bar - with a major annual|sŁrveyfof the student lifestyle carried out by the Vl>'ri poi ling,organization, showing a 13-percentage-point fali in students going to the pub as a 5j(loisure activity, compared to five years ago. The pub is now a minority activity, only 1% ahead V of sport and exercise as a way of spending spare time. Nick Emms of NUS Services says there tTis a elear trend away from pub-going, and this “has become more1pronounce^in the past foiir j or five years.” Hę^ds that students expect a much wider rangę of social activities - and are L morę health icoifscious^s well as being morę Ljkelyio use exercise facilities than the generał r population. Day-time drinking - an age-old|pursuiyamong students - has virtual!y disappeared.

drinking pints in a pub, says a ULU spokesperson. ,Apparently, the recent introduction of non-alcoholic cocktails was well received.    mdat,w/~

'ó ^With young people morę likely to hit the exerctse bikes than the lager, Student Unions have r been^bandoning.their old-fashioned, beer-soaked image. The University of London Student J Union has tumed one of its two traditional bars into a cafe-style area, with healthier food - and jLwil! be madę non-smoking. Serving about 5000 students a day, the Union has its own private health club, with 60 cxercise stations and a s^ętmi^ig pool. Those thinking student £ entertainment means six pints and an Elvis impersonatorshould check the weekly ULU ^,schcdule, whose 50 exercise cla^je^iyclude "yoga sculpt", Pilates . aerobiking and boxercise. g The student population is more(diverse,and used to a wider rangę of entertainments than

The declinc in sales ofalcohol across thc bar is visible throughout the country, says the prcsident ot l5urfiam Student Union, Nick Piekłeś. This is partly financial, but also represents a change in yóuth culture. The Durham SU bar has stopped selling real ajf, says Mr Piekłeś, because there was no demami - and the appeal of traditional pubs for young drinkers seems limited. He adds that students may still be drinking alcohol, but, rather than spending time in pubs, they buy winę from supermarkets, or go to bars.

While there are so many headlines about excessive consumption of alcohol among the young in generał, these changes involving students raise the prospect of morę American-style, heahhy-living youngsters at least on campus . lt's not good news for the pub industry, which has already seen so many inner-city pubs close.

No longer can student trends be dismissed as referring only to a smali, unrepresentative group, as almost half of all young people now go to university, with morę than two-thirds of „ those in morę affluent parts of the country going on to higher education. V In the view of Veronica King, NUS Vice-President for welfare.TbeTaćtors underlying the decline in student drinking are morę practical. Simply, students have neither enough time nor money for it. Debt reduces tbeir spending power, and with so many now having term-time jobs, they don't have the long hours to sit in pubs. When so much time is taken eaming money, the time pressure on academic work inereases, she says, and leisure activities tend to suffer "You're morę Iikely to find a student working behind a bar than drinking in front ofone these days.”

Adapted from:, published: 2006/02/21

*Pilates - a type of exercise based on yoga and dance that you do with special equipment which makesyou push, puli and strach, so thatyour body mores morę easily and becomes stronger. (LDCE definition)

11.    Most people’s view of British students

v/A. differs considerably from the reality.

B.    reflccts precisely the rcal State of affairs.

C.    is very close to the true picture. -

12.    The NUS Welfare Section is going to encourage SUs to

V/A. make a greater number of their events acceptable to non-drinkers.

B.    limit the amount of alcohol consumed at all student events.

C.    design separate events for non-drinking and drinking students.

13.    The trend for the closing down of pubs is

vA. quhe Iikely to be reversed by students.

B.    distinctly unlikely to be reversed by students.

C.    certainly going to be reversed by students.

14.    As far as statistics on student leisure activities are concemed, in comparison with sport and exercise, going to the pub

A. remains morę popular. v/B. is now slightly less popular.

C. enjoys exactly the same popularity.

15. According to Nick Emms, in comparison with the population as a whole, students are '/A. morę concemed about their health and fitness.

B.    less concemed about their health and fitness.

C.    equally concemed about their health and fitness.


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