r^n8. a r cn<*«ngofft v °f iwo
',{*etcr. Two p,>r this '‘cs Whitc,
ochcr hałf ring in WWT. You now havc •'
12th picot, and thc first ring of Round 1, .
This medallion was workcd in No. difiercnt colonrs. It mcasurcs 6 cm (2V: ind. shuttles wcrc wound CTM from thcir rc?.p« piece. shuttlc 1 carries grcen thread and shuti<«
Round 1: Shuttlc I: I m (40 inchcs); shutilr ■ m inchcs)
Round 2: 2 m (80 inchcs) on cnch shuttlc
While thc basie rarring is nor dif/icult, procecd orcfully jn order to pass thc coloured chnins to thc correct side of one another beforc joining thc rings. To prcscrvc definite nght and wrong sides for viewing, rhc chains wcrc tatted with thc rcvcrsc order of half-stirchcs and all joins wcrc madc downward.
Daisy ehain
Each of rhc daisics in this chain hns 2 Split rings—thc oncs thar appcar to be joincd by a picor. In actual fact, thc picot is falsc, bcing just a short spacc bctwccn thc 2 *petals\ The other 4 pctals arc tatted normally with thc shuttles on thc rcspcctivc sides. Usc shuttlc 1 to tat thc major part of cach daisy on thc topsidc of thc
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KIF96 r^n8. a r cn<*«ngofft v °f iwo ,{*etcr. Two p,>r this ‘cs Whitc, ochcr hałf20622 poel wykl73 _ .1(m A<x.--T. ^ a 5tM, ■?y J_ -fe- fi«* f "T j^>Tf)WVKIF96 wego. Jeżeli żądasz by d odpowiedziano, to nie w ygłaszasz zdania prawdziwego. Zatem, jeśli zLandscape (4) 993 -+ TJW /V*: ‘ A V, ►f •r. .y.Ai r/4jgv &S 4-- - v^ rA. -?>*r. cs~śLandscape (4) 993 -+ TJW /V*: ‘ A V, ►f •r. .y.Ai r/4jgv &S 4-- - v^ rA. -?>*r. cs~śskanuj0037 2 liii X> G I ’ «f Ł-: <D ’3 <d • < Cl G co O fJP CS <u :V1.96 BEILAGE I 30, 31. ahgeh. Berliner Ausstellung?-Album Sect. VIII, Taf. 13 B, d71450 slajd12 (96) QC6. Thinking about reform global financial markets, please tell me whether you a548512W919556876812580381602 n Garden in a bottle, anyone? This miniaturę ecosystem has been thrivif~ r~ r f- ■r- ff T" p* t~How to rr p*~ Live Safely in a W" f~ Science Fictional y&nbEven a Monkey?n Draw Manga v01 p118 MANGA ADYICE •f £ 1 The main psychic power of most pro-tagonistsf~ r~ r f- ■r- ff T" p* t~How to rr p*~ Live Safely in a W" f~ Science Fictional y&nbKeksglas Motiwhóhc 24 cm Materiał «f 1 Einmach-glas. o 10 cm. ca. 15 cm hoch & 1 Teelicht iP1200417 Simpic scmi-lunatc razom wcrc found in iwo Giindlingen sword graves, from La-Rochc-Pot, wil77497 Landscape (4) 993 -+ TJW /V*: ‘ A V, ►f •r. .y.Ai r/4jgv &S 4-- - v^ rA. -?>*r. cs~święcej podobnych podstron