So many Knglish atliletes freąuently incur trouble with the heart because no attention is paid to proper breathing during atblctics and rowing, and they are also verv liable to catcli cliills because they do not know how proper ly to work thc respiratory organs, and also becanse the development and hardcning of the skin (by air bath and sun bath, com-bined with skin massage) is almost unknown in this country.
Any lirst-class English trainer in boxing, sculling. lawn tennis, etc., will—I speak from pcrsonal esperience of myself and my family- teach you very carefnlly, and with the fincst details, every technical movement or trick of the gamę, but he will not tell you how to breathe to the fullest advantagc for your health or for the particular gamę. He will not aid you to transform your skin to a healthy and strong working organ, probably because he has personally not given much thought to thesc mattcrs ; but 1 contcnd that these are essential both for the health and the well-being of the individual, and also for success in any athletic career.
There arc two things English atliletes must learn in order to retain their suprcmacy in the world—the one is correct respiration, and in this connection I have done what I could by writing this booklct on breathing, with special hints for almost every kind of gamę, and it will be published in this country long before it is printed in other countries. The other point is how to get proper health and dcvelopment of the skin, which will be a little morę difficult for atliletes to acąuire in F.ngland where air and sun bathing places are
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