Si.vc.iNO and speaking are in a great measurc physical work. It is, therefore, obviows that tlić sounder and bet ter dcveloped the phvsique is, the morę advantagcous will bc the conditions for good singing and speaking. It is the strength and endurancc of tlie organs directly engaged during singing and speaking wliich is of the greatest importance. Therefore, the muscles which inove the tongue and vocal chords ought to be deyeloped by spccial exerrises, and the vocal chords themseiyes too, because tliey consist of muscles. The air cxhaled from the lungs being also a productive agent of the voice, it is elear that the lungs ought to bc well-devcloped be lorę singing is attempted. And the abdomiital muscles being an imporiant factor in controlling exhalation, and therewith the voice, all yocalists ought to develop the strength, endurance and mobility of these muscles. It is no wonder that most singing masters on the (. ontinent rccom-mend—some masters evcn exact—that their pupils should perfonn “ My System ” (15 Minutes’ Daily Exercise), because they know by cxperience that it is the best exi«ting means of strengthening the abdominal muscles. The exhaled air, controlled by strong and braccd abdominal muscles, can then bc utilised at will for the sustaining of a very prolonged notę, which can bc kept at the same level of pitch and tonę, or madę to swcll or diminish according to requirements.
The lungs are also highly deyeloped by " My System,” “ The Daily Irive Minutes ” or by the “ Breathing System ” explained in the present volume. All would-bc singers and sjicakers ought, therefore, to practise it. My methods will