Leisure oasis for body and soul, Prague 7 Lisa Dehmann, Alissa Gans

Our project is situated in Prague 7 directly at the Vltava River. The 32.000 m2 big siteoffers various facilities but the main focus Iays on a spa that reaches from the Street of Jatećni up to the river bank.

Interleaved cubes form its basie shape. Three levels are accessible to the public in addition to a basement for technical services. The facades of the ground floor are dominated by concrete, while a stone pattern dads the upper floors with a concrete frame. Timber slats add a playful layer to the facades and inerease intimacy for the spa visitors. Moreover, they slats create a nice interplay of light and shadow in the interiors. Glazed corridors, connecting the individual bodies of the building, offer multi-layered views to other parts of the spa and to greened and partially accessible courtyards. The roof of the ground floor is also accessible and thus serves as a connecting link between the individual building elements. In addition to outdoor pools with a view on the river, the spa has various indoor pools, including children pools and whirlpools. It also offers treatments and massages, rooms for fitness and sport courses, saunas, a fireplace and relaxing and sleeping areas. Additional features are a restaurant and childcare opportunities.

A wide walkway separates the building from the hotel and later transforms into a bridge to connect both sides of the river. The wooden cladded hotel is located by the river side. It offers 24 rooms for 48 guests and a restaurant and conference room. It is not restricted to hotel guests. Terraces and the curved shape of the Southern side allow the guests amazing to have views over the river. The building volume functions as a connection between the organie shapes of the surrounding and the rectangular spa. The northern side faces a large water play. Several stairs, attracting people to linger, lead into the ground towards four shallow water pools. Every descending stair is derived from the shape of the different spa floors and its courtyards.

A park extends east of the water play, divided into paths, grass and wooded areas. The paths illustrate an interplay of our main themes - the contrast but also harmony of curved and straight lines.

Also here, several waved staircases connect the park with the lower river level, further serving as seating opportunities. A waved spacious walkway then leads pedestrians along the water to the western part of our site. On the medium terrain level, west of the spa, we renovated an old siło, using each of its tuns for a different function: One contains a ticket shop for boat rental, available at the little harbour on our site. A cafe is located in two of the other tuns and a spiral staircase in the last one leads to the glazed top of the construction. The public access from the Street is here decorated with a little fountain adjacent to the wali limiting the spa. It serves as a playful reference to it.


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