•iothLnj; la aaro ta per tar. t ln % dlat Łhan planty ot -ocd pure water.
Katar la tha oarrlar that tafcaa alon- wtth lt all tha food particloa, and wtahaa fche ntl* out «f tha titauea. tomy dlaoaaos ot tha body ara eausod by a laot ot auffictant watar ln tha ayatan* Ranaad»ar trfor 66 por cant* of yaw body li water. Jry drinkinr twe ar threo flaaaoa of watar Juat aftor rcttlr.g aut of bad ln thr oralni;. ttaah your atonacb aa woli aa your banda and fac«. Tbar. fol lew thla up wlth coran or alght glaaaoa durlaę tha d*y. Sea how wnh papplar lt will vS» you raal ln a ahort tina.