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Tt La now hoped that withln the near fut\ire about 77.000 Polish troops y/111 be transferred from the U.S.S.R. to the Mlddle East. Thls large-scale evacuation at very short notlce naturally creates great dlfficulties for His Majesty's Govern-raent,who are hov;ever determined to do the Ir be3t to overcome them. In these c ircum3tances they foel surę that can count on the Polish Goyornment, on theIr side, tak Ing a11 po3slble mea-sures to preyent any further dlfficulties arlsing from the concentratlon of Polish units ln Palestine - the area in which for mllltary reasons lt has been found necessary to establish the Polish Mlddle East depot.
The Polish troops to be transferred from U.S.S.R. to Palestine will perhaps contaln a percentage of persons of Jewlsh race and it ls probable that attempts will be madę to take ad-yantage of this fact ln order to renów, ln a somewhat different form, the campalgn for the creation od a Jewlsh army in Pale-stlr.e - this tlme under camouflage of the Polish army. His Majesty'3 Government earnestly hope that the Polish Government will take this possibility into serious conslderation and will contlnue to bear Ln mind the broader politlcal aspects of the Palestine ąuestion which cannot be treated exclusively from the Jevfish point of vlew. In this connection they feel it their duty to repeat the warning already given by the Secretary of State for Poreign Affalres to General Sikorski on January 19th that lt would be very unsafe to count on any possibllity of large-scale Jewlsh immigratlon into Palestine after the war.
British Embassy to Poland, 54,Egerton Crescent,
March 30,1942.