Part no. 77 01 U20 058
1) Open the doors on both aides.
2) Slacken, but do not rcraove, the two aluminium blind nuts (D) so tbat support bur (A) oan alide.
3) Unscrew slightly the two black bolts (C) on the ten3ion bar.
4) Unstick the door sealing rubber slightly.
5) Position the bar on one aide, sliding the mounting lug between the door sealing rubber and the roof itself.
6) Let the bar rest on the other side.
7) Repeat operation no. 5 on the other aide.
ATTEHTTON: The bar most be oompletely perpendieolar to the l.ongitodinal median centrelinę of the roof.
8) Cbeck that contr ing atud (E) i a on the aerial or interior rcar view mirror centreline. Tf it is not., slide the bar to the left or righthand side, positioning it using the attaohed template.