Clean overalls which are dust-free taust be worn for spraying operations.
Wear a raask with an active carbon filter element - compulsory for spraying. Wearing of protective gloves and gogglee when using paint-removing agenta (acid). The paintB must be mixed and the utenails washed in vell-ventilated areas.
The spray booth must be clean and conform to current scandards.
The booth is reserved exclusively for the spraying operations.
When a vehicle goes into the paint booth or when it is exposed in front of an apparatus emitting infra-red rays, it is recommended that the plastic
mouldings/embellishers be protected either with a cover, a wet cloth or that they be removed.
The vehicle raust be earthed during the spraying operation.
No thinners or pots of paint must be left in a spray booth.
Do not smoke in the paint booth.
The thinners and pots of paint are to be in a ventilated location.
In the painting area all electrical apparatus must be flameproof.
NOTĘ: When a vehicle goes into the paint spray booth it is necessary for the fucl tank to be reraoved or immersed.