Nłedianics of Respiration: Elastic Properties I
During a slow expiration from TLC, tlow is periodically interrupted and measurements are madę of lung volume and ol transpulmonary pressure. Transpulmonary pressure is difference between alveolar and pleural pressures. Pleural pressure is determined from pressure in esophagus. Because there is no airflow, alvcolar pressure is same as pressure at airway opening
Figurę 5.8 Measurement of Elastic Properties of Lunc
mpliancc is a mcasure of the elastkity or distensibility of ihe lung, chesl wali, or ihe lung and chest wali as a single unit. It is mea-. c-d as the change in volume resulting from a change in pressure j.. APl. Depicted here is the measurement of ihe compliance of ihe lung. To measure lung compliance the change in lung volume is measured as the transpulmonary pressure (ah-eolar pressure -pleural pressure) varies during expiralion. Pleural pressure is measured by a balloon placed in the esophagus.