Cross stftch in two strands
Backstitch in one strand
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METALLICS come in lots of different colours, thicknesses and textures, so spend some time experimenting to find the right one for your design. We usually use DMC's Light Effects rangę, but other options include Madeira’s Metallic no 10 collection, Kreinik, and Anchor Metallics - all of which are readiiy available from craft shops or Online.
Sometimes metallic threads can be tricky to stitch with because the sparkly f iiaments wound into them are very bouncy. To get around this knot the thread to your needle eye and use a thread conditioner like Thread Heaven to soften them up and make them morę manageable.
lfyou’rehavingtroubletrackingdown DMC, Anchor and Madeira metallics locally, try for the fuli ranges.
FordetailsaboutThread Heavenvisit. wy/.lhreadheayen.com