Obraz1 2

Obraz1 2

Zadanie 1.

Radio presenter: Now it's time for the traffic news with Angela Wilson. What's happening on the London motorways, Angela? Angela Wilson: lt's quite busy; as usual for this time of the day. [1.1] Theres been a huge car crash involving as many as five yehicles on the M25 between junctions 3 and 4 northbound, so expect serious delays there.

[1.2]    ]ti also very slow on the Ml 1, south-bound due to an accident there earlier. The yehicles have already been remoyed from the road but it's still verv slow. Many thanks to Martin who reported that to us.

[1.3]    We've also got gueues on the Ml. A lorry has broken down and weVe got big delays there now. If vou're heading there. it's going to be much slower than on most weekdays. The situation will continue for at least the next half an hour until the yehicles have been cleared.

[1.4]    There's also been an accident delaying traffic on the M4 between junctions 19 and 20. Luckily, the road has been cleared. The police closed the road in both directions, but it has now been re-opened and eyerything is slowly getting back to normal.

[1.5]    Finally, there are gueues on the M26. Apparently. there was a stray cow there on one of the lanes. Many thanks to Kath for reporting this piece of news.

Morę traffic news in half an hour. If you see a problem on the road, cali us on 0100 200 300.

Radio presenter: Thank you Angela. A cow? That doesn't happen very often on the M26, does it? Next we've got the news at 9.00. Don't go away, we'll be right back...

1.1    F

There's been a huge car crash involving as many as five yehicles on the M25...

W nagraniu jest powiedziane, że w stłuczce wzięło udział pięć pojazdów, a nie więcej niż pięć pojazdów, jak błędnie podano w pytaniu.

1.2    F

lt's also very slow on the Ml 1, south-bound due to an accident there earlier. The yehicles have already been removed from the road but it's still very slow.

W nagraniu jest powiedziane, że pojazdy zostały już usunięte z drogi.

1.3    T

We've also got gueues on the Ml. A lorry has broken down and we've got big delays there now. If you're heading there, it's going to be much slower than on most weekdays.

W nagraniu jest powiedziane, że ruch na M1 będzie odbywał się dużo wolniej niż zazwyczaj.

1.4    F

There's also been an accident delaying traffic on the M4 between junctions 19 and 20. Luckily, the road has been cleared. The police closed the road in both directions, but it has now been re-opened and eyerything is slowly getting back to normal.

W nagraniu jest powiedziane, że policja przywróciła do ruchu drogę M4.

1.5 T

Finally, there are gueues on the M26. Apparently, there was a stray cow there on one of the lanes.

W nagraniu jest powiedziane, że korki na M26 spowodowane zostały przez krowę, która znalazła się na jednym z pasów.

Zadanie 2.

I've come out onto the streets of London to ask people their opinion on love at first sight. Here are some of the responses we recorded this morning.


My grandparents are an excellent example of love at first sight. They met when they were still in college. My grandma often told me that as soon as she saw grandad she instantly knew he was the one. She just felt it. Grandad felt the same way. My grandparents were the best couple you can possible imagine: going everywhere together, holding hands, saying 'I love you' withoutany reason...


Love at first sight? Oh, come off it! People who believe in this rubbish must have seen too many Hollywood-style romantic comedies... Are you trying to tell me that I can fali in love with a person l've just laid my eyes on and who I haven't even talked with? [2.2] The wav vou look is important, of course, but just because you think someone is beautiful doesn't mean vou're already in love with the person! Love takes time, doesn't it?


Weil, I don't know, really. I think people tend to overuse the word 'love' these days. Look at all those Hollywood stars! They fali in love very guickly and fali out of love even faster! If it lasts only for a short time, it's not real love, is it?

[2.3]    I think it doesn't really matter in what situations vou meet the love of vour life and how long it takes to fali in love. A second look is just as good as first sight, if you ask me.


[2.4]    Love at first sight exists for surę. I've experienced it myself. LII never forget that day. I was riding a bike, listening to my mp3 player and didn't notice this girl coming in my direction. I almost knocked her over! The moment our eyes met I felt I had known her all my life... I can't even describe it, it just 'clicked'. [2.4] We spent four wonderful years together. but now we are getting diyorced... Weil, that's life...


You'd better ask my fiance! He keeps telling me that he was in love the moment he saw me and promised himself that he was going to get married to me. Weil, it took him five years to convince me to be his fiancee. That's what you cali determination, right? He's a great person, really. I love him a lot and I probably will become his wife in the end.

[2.5]    it s just that. unlike in his case, it certainly wasn't love at first sight for me...

2.1 F

F jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ bohaterem nagrania jest para, która poznała się w szkole i została razem do starość



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