DunnS » mtttc nnnouncemen: you can set hau and trebto vaiues if>dt-vi<Iu»lly Tnesc walues ara stored lor nil foOowwg annouocemeots Th* volume doee not ncraaaa during traffic announcomonts.
Dunng cassetto oporaóon lho actw traffc radio system la shown In tho display by *TP* in whHe lettor*
Swilch lo RDS modo by pressing tho RDS bulion Then prasa lho FM TP bulion umil Ihe display will show *TP* on rts icft sldo.
Tha TP wavoband la lofl by prosslng etther lho RDS-. AM FM.TP- or CC-bullon.
During tho aulomalic program tuning In Ilia TP waveband ordy traffic radio statlons ara tunod A SCAN luning is also possibłe in thla wave band.
In tho TP wrwoband four FM-stations can be stored ai the station recall bullons as descrlbed undor *Push-button Memory Tuning*.
lf you prosa thls bulion, lho muting Is awitched on in all FM modes. Tho radio is in sland-by modo lor traffic program, that moans only traffic announcaments aro audible. The traffic radio station is dlsplayed during tho muting.