


FIX Modę (Flxing a Station Freguency)



To swltch to FIX modo. press button. Pressing tho button agam will swltch the FIX moda off. Dunng Flx moda the frequencies of the stations are dlsplayed. Altoinatlva




froguencies ara not evoluated.

Automatic Station Tunlng

PreoBlng (he loggio swltch at the rćght aide will cnuto lho rodło lolochonto stationstracked In oscendlng freąuencms, pressing it al llie lefl sitlo will track stntions In n descendlng ordor.

SCAN Timing

(fT-SWF 3 X

Press butlon. Automatic station tuning in an nscending order ■tarls in the wav«band AM. or m the FM bend m FIX modę as w«U es in ROS and TP modę Dunng thc tiret sweep. the radio will scan ordy tho strongest signais. Dunng tho second sweep. it will scan less powenut signais as won Aftor having found a rccoptiMe station it will ptay for about e«ht seconds Pressing oithor the scan button. tho AUTO- or TUNE-bar will cause the radio to siny tuned to the station being sampted. li no action is taken dunng the eight-second period, the radio will tune to the neit station.

Manuał Tuning

~~T    7 ^ Press bar at tha nght side - tuning in ascandmg station

<\    /► ' freguency ślepa


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