


»f no IroMc radio statton ls set ***' P',,,lng ,hB mUl° '

,h® r««*io cannot ba muted.    wwlher

"you l«avo tbe rano* of tha se:    "•


w the radio has baon tumed ołf dunno    agaln.

*r^f»C radiostabon plays when

Aftor twoniy secondn tha radio w<N mute agam.

Th* muting eon ba canotftad by !*•*•«* muW


Traffic Announcement

PresHing the mula switch wbiła a bafhc    *

announced Intemipts mis message ma łł"’“ru r,,,„ me casaetto will ptey.or tha radio will mota aoałn In any ca .o nart trafne nnnouncoment will be audible

Warning Alarm (RDS Servlce PTY 31>

By moans of thn RDS system tha radio may substi.ut- the currant program - no matter whlch stabon « tunad to- ^ spaoat Mnrno massages in caso ot arneroonę**** program provided. The display .Ml show ALARM Forthese messages cassatto replay ls mtamiptad. too.


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