82519 Obraz18

82519 Obraz18



-    Tho rndio will display lha slation currontiy stored al Ihnl number. the station will play for a short limę.

-    Continue holding the bulion until thia slalłon ls dclolud from memocy and tha nowły seitcted statton wił play and appear on the display wrth its push-button memory numbar

-    Rcfease buton The new stebon wił be stored in memory. The statłon « stored at punhbutton 2 and mi play whenever this buton is preeaed and es longea Ihe car « m tho transmilter rangę of thW stabon. The number of Ihe push-button will appear on ihe display.

Nota: If a slored alalion is noi receptililo. the display will show eight double Unos nfter hawlng pressod Ihe push-hullon. If vou press the push-button aguiii within ton seconds, "SEARCM" will be displayod.

Alton Ilon: If the radio was disconnected (<om powoi suppty. it may take about two minutos after having reconnected • according to the number of rocoptibre stabons al the actudl posmonofthecar - until the stabon frequuncies will be stored and the RDS modo will be posatfe. The same wffl happen m tunnels or underground garagea during cassette operator*. During this period you cannol uso the Station recatl buttons in the RDS modę



Regional Modę

If the chosen stalion emils regional programs within its program sorvico. the display will show en additional regional codę. The loliors *RP" mean. that the aeiected statton ©mlts regional programs. too In this case the RDS function la limited to the aeiected regional program

F, S4 BW KA_-J



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