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Seaside Mystery: Part 9

The story $ o far-. Carl os and Yoshiko go lo the police station and then on to Yoshiko's house to pick up sonie things. Whcn they get thcrc they sec that the (ront door is opon. The house is in a terrible mess. They go upstairs and (ind that Yoshiko's bedroom door is still locked. |ust then they hear someone running down the stairs. Yoshiko looks out of the bedroom window. She thinks she sees Harry King running down the Street They are !eaving the house when the telephone rings. When Carlos answers the phone the callcr hangs up.

I Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące znanych ci fragmentów opowiadania.

1    Why do Carlos and Yoshiko go back to her house?

2    What do they notloe when they get there?

< do they (ind when they inside'1 •1 Who runs oul ol the house-' 5 What happens as they are loayiiig the house?

2 Poniższe wyrazy I wyrażenia pochodzą z 9. części opowiadania Zaznacz <✓> słowa, które już znasz. Spróbuj odgadnąć znaczenie pozostałych słów. słuchając opowiadania.

glad need make colfee robbed stu(f suddcnly dangerous shines re!ax lic down

English in 20 minutes a day 2I3


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