12.4.3. Writing activities
There are many different activities that students can be engaged in. Below, the reader will find a list representing a fair number of them:
— copy the sentences,
— write something similar (about yourself) to the pattern given,
— write in sentences what is given in the chart,
— complete the sentences,
— given the sentence rewrite it substituting names with pronouns or pronouns with names,
— finish off the sentences,
—join two sentences by means of conjunctions,
— expand the sentence with supplementary information,
— substitute one word with another in a given sentence,
— expand telegram forms into sentences,
— write a simple message,
— reorder words to produce a sentence,
— substitute the information - e.g. write a true sentence about yourself based on the model,
— dictation — useful in repetition of spelling, vocabulary; to some extent checks listening,
— dicto-comp - write a composition on the basis of what was read, it should be as close to the original as possible, some key words could be given,
— gap filling,
-— changing elements,
-— cloze test - text with gaps to fili in on the basis of the context,
— fili in the missing letters of the words - checking vocabulary,
— reorder letters in a word/sentences in a passage to write a paragraph,
— insert the words in the gaps in an appropriate place,
— write captions for the pictures,
— match ąuestions and answers,
— complete the dialogue - open dialogue,
— put the answers of a person in appropriate order, write a notę about a person, place based on the information provided,
— answer ąuestions in order to form a paragraph,
— write eomments,
— fili in the ąuestionnaire,
-u? write a letter,
Ml write a reply to a letter,
— write a letter of complaint,
— write a job application,
— write a diary for a week - to be used later for communicative practice,
— describe places, objects not mentioning them directly,
— write a summary (of a text, listening passage, etc.), ;
— write an essay, composition,
— wali dictation,
— write group story - based on the first sentence, each student adds another sentence,
-#h based on a set of pictures,
— students add sentences seeing only the one before,
— insert words instead of pictures in the text,
— write a story on basis of short information,
— given some clues write an announcement,
— write a plan for the evening given some ads of cinema films, etc.,
— give some words, a set of pictures and write a story including them,
— arrange sentences to tell a story,
— write an advertisement,
— invent a fairy tale,
— update a fairy tale given some modem elements.
12.4.4. Approaches to teaching writing
There are different approaches to teaching writing in the Foreign Language classes. The writers, as they produce a piece of writing, do not only have to deal with the grammar and vocabulary, but also need to consider what their purpose is, who the reader (or readers) will be or are likely to be. Apart from that, the writer has to decide on the