s&h 013

s&h 013



nnm who bas a (ineli docplopod linek and pan- of sboulders. but wlinsp legs mv spindly and woale. He doesidt ncrd nny ann nr bacie wui-lc: wliat In* wanfs is smiiptlung rliar will make li im stron" wIipi-p lic is weakpsf.

Tn (lip f<>11 owiiyu piięps w ill Im fumid cx-ppciscs for all parts nf (lic liody. and it is liardly to he snppospd tliat mic mmi will usidleni all. su Iipi-p is winir your lirains are for. If 1 eould takt* ynu personally. as I would like (o do. one by ono. and snbjeet yon to a tliorongh rxaninia(ion. 1 would soon bp aide to map out sometliinp: tliat would fit your particnlar rasę.

But tliat is unpossiblp.

T ani writinę for rbousands nf readors: I ani teac-liiug an immensc- srhool. tlie seliolars of wliieli arp rerruited front all nrer tlie known world. T ani pn-arliing tln- doctriiiP o? Strength and TTenlfh, and T want eri-rr rasp (o sliow ęond rpsnlts. and tliat within a rery sliort tinip.

Xow, befon- ynu tako up your exereiees at


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