s&h 063
chief factors in produeiug obesity. Kxercise buras up tlić excess of fond which otherwise prodnees fatness. Tliose who arc aetire rarely becorne too stouf. Suitalde cxcrci.se will be found in walking, horsebaek riding, rowing a boat. nr the cxorcises found in tliis book, which have beeu carefully arranged witli that object in view.
Stout pcrsons sbould avoid anylbing in the naturę of \iolent esoreise, as the strain upou the heart and Idowi vessels is liable to be too grcat.
Daily baths are recomniended; hot baths sbould be taken at least lwico a week, and an occasional Turkish bath will assist in the weiglit-reducing process.
Abore all, don*t sleep ton mncli. for both rest and sleep are famous weight-gainers: five or six hours at the most is enough for any one inclined to stoutness.
Smoking retards the aetion of the heart. and when the heart does not perform its function witli suffieient rigor. the ldood
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