The Pnmary Energy factor |PEf) descnbcs thc cffiocncy of <EPMJ)', thc PEF o uscd in thc methodology to calculatc the convcrting encrg/ (rom pnmary iourcci (e.g. coal crude cdi to a encrgy performance of a burfdlng. »hch U expr«vcd n pnmary iccondary encrgy camer (cg. dectncity, rutural gar) thał encrgy1. Energy Performance Ccrbficacci lEPCi) arc aho prcrndcc encrgy scmcc-i ddlvcrcd to cnduseri. such as warmth -calcutated according to tWs methodology. or ItghL In the Energy Performance of Uoldngs Dlrccttrc
c unit of
iourcci whKh has not undcroonc any corrrcrion c1r
The PEf li capreiied « a numer2 1: valuc and ndKatei the rat» belviecn the amocnt cfontrar. cncrg. nccdnd to suppl dpl-rcrcdcoe'Gv. tahng inta account the encrgy rcgulrcd for crtraction,
Pnmary cncrg/ mcant encrgy from rcncwattc and ncnfcnewatyc tramformatlon proceu (EP80. An.2f.
Pnmary encrgy factor1 uied for thc dcter minaton of the pnmary encrgy uic may be baccd on natlonal or rcgonal ■<al jei and may tale rrto account relcvant Europcan itandards (I
rrao Ari1aa I |2<: 12. T>a pa^orrroaa :ł a tu’<£-1 a?»l be 1 i t/masarace rrarr1ar ard ihafl Mul# in 1- t^tfermncmMBo«■ ind i
i.rrart: tndotar o1 crtrwy #1#fi> ata. ujk ar s-.rar, ^#7, fitroi s1r #1#<p carrtar, rr1y ba baaad or men1 or ra^cnd uyuit wdfKM »v1-*»§aa or a asodfc .iw far or-rti prodbcscr1.
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v»»: !• adó-mt+d ind ■ovad h oetor p3?a o1 V Clann fKaj«
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