s&h 071

s&h 071


A man w li o knows what Iip is talkiup: about and wbo bas traveled arouud tlie •world, onoe said:

‘•The Japanese are tlie bost bathers in tlie world. With theni it is aa art."

As against (hal you aro told tliat too many batlis are woakeniug, tbat instead of warin, you sbould uso roki water: but, as a matter of fart, no one man ran set down rtilos for batbing. wbirb sbould not bo doriated from. Tbero aro sonie pcrsons wbo ran no moro stand rold batlis tlian tliey ran staud slow poison; tbc sbork is too great to their system and tho result is disastrous.

Tf I woro askod to proscribo a bath tliat would do for overy ono T won Id say uso tepid



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