The cyborg mercenaries known as the Reaver$ originally operated froni an underground compiex iu Cootemans Greek, located in Australia* Nonhern Terruory.Tliey exploited the teleportation mutant Gateway in order to eominit robberies around the world umil the X-MtN foreed them from their base. Ex-Hellfire Club member Donald Pierce reorganized the team. bringing in Cole, Macon. Reesc, and Lady Deathstrikc.The new Rcavcrs uearly killed Wolyerink, and launehed a tailed attack on Moira MacTac.oarts Muir Island laboratory. A squad of Sentinfi s nearły destroyed the Reavers, though most members survivcd duc to their half-machinc physiologies.
The Reavers later won a contract from the psionic entity the SfiALiow Kino to kidnap Roguf of the X-Men,but failed to capture their quarry. Picrcc chosc to remake the Reavers into a grassroots anti-mutam movement, and swayed many citizcns with his hatcful propaganda. Recently. Pierces group clashed with the latest incarnation of the New Mutants. During the battle. Reaver member Josh Foley discovered that hc had mutant hcaling powers. and later joined the New Mutants under the codę namc
Uncanny X-Men Iłoi. 1 *229 ‘ (May 1988)
FIRST APPEARANCE New Mutants Uol. 1 t87 (March 1990)
REAL NAME Panlu Hurageb
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Neurosynaptic energy generated by
Roaper slows reftexes and movements of those nearby; scythes
focus energy and can be used lo paralyse others.
Red Ghost
FIRST APPEARANCE Rawhide Kid Vol. 1 #1 (March 1955)
REAL NAME Johnny Bal
OCCUPATION Gunslinger BASE The Amencan Oki West HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 185 Ibs EYES Błue HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Skilled brawler and horseman; .i-noog the quickest draws in the Ołd West.
The Rawhide Kid learned to handle a six-shooter thanks to his adoptive father. a Texas Ranger, after his real parents were killed by Cheycnnc warriors.When his adoptive fatlier died in a rigged duel, the Rawhide Kid took revcnge on the killers and then wandered the West astride his liorse Nightwind, kecping one step ahead of the shcrifFwho suspectcd the Kid of nnirder. By means of time travcl, the Rawhide Kid crossed paths with modern-era Super I leroes. A D
Not to be mistaken for the demon raised to battle Bi.adh, nor for an advcrsary of the Pi i ani om Ridlk, the Reaper otherwise known as Pantu Hurageb was a mutant in the Mutan t Liberation Fron t. The work was hazardous and during his time thcrc. Reaper lost a hand and a lowcr leg. both ofwhich were replaced by artificial limbs. Following Reapers incarceration in the mutant conccntration canip Neverland, Nathan Summcrs (Oable) tried to prise the camp s location from his mind. causing liim scvcre brain dainage and robbing him of the power of speech.
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #13 (Apnl 1963) REAL NAME lvan Kragoff OCCUPATION Villam BASE Mobile HEIGHT S ft 11 in WEIGHT ?15 IbS EYES Brown HAIR Wbito. baldng SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ronders h.mself and nearby objects iniangible and transparcni, mgenious scientst and brilbant onginoor.
Russian scientist lvan Kragoff was consumed with envy by the achicvcincnts and powers of the Fantastic Four. Determined to beat them to the Moon. he designed his spacccraft to maximize exposure to cosmic rays, hoping to duplicate the freakish accident that had crcatcd his rivals.
Adamantium-enhanced body. enhanced strength; morphing cyborg limbs emit energy blasts. BONEBREAKER
Cyborg strength, tank treads, boiłt-in weaponry.
PRETTY BOY Extendible cyborg limbs and capture corts: reprograms the personalities of others. SKULLBUSTER
Cyborg strength. robot legs: uses machinę guns. grenade launchers. SKULLBUSTER/CYLLA Cyborg strength, reflexes; wrist claws. thermite launchers.
LADY DEATHSTRIKE Augmented strength. reflexes; takxis extend from fingertips. COLE. MACON. AND REESE Cyborg strength. reflexes: bionic scanners and tracking deinces. BASE Mobile
Kragoff s cxperiment succeeded: whilc he gaincd the ability to become intangible. his three ape companions became morę intelligcnt and obtained powers of strength. magnetisin. and shapeshifting. Now known as the Red Ghost, Kragoff and his super-ape companions became formidable advcrsaries to the Fantastic Four, clashing with them rcpcatcdly and evcn creating problcms for the Avencers and Spider-Man. ad