Robert Reynolds was oncc the great Supcrhero known as Sentry, but all mcmory of his cxploits wcrc erascd from the world—and from his own mind.
Then. one night, the inemories began seeping back into his from his library. Reynolds drank the serum it eontained.A strange energy surged through his body, and hc was transformed once again into the Superhero Sentry. Hc rccallcd that hc had i inortal enemy ealled thcVoid and sensed that theVoid was about to become a threat once again. Enlisting the help of heroes who had fought alongside him in the past, including Si-ioer-Man and the Paniamiic Four. the Sentry set out to battlc with thcYoid. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Sootry «1 (Seplember 2000)
REAL NAME Robert Reynolds OCCUPATION Adventurof BASE Watchtower HEIGHT 6 ft 2 tn WEIGHT 200 EYES Bluo HA1R Blond
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Special senm prOYKles supet slfeogin. spocd. and »nvulnorotxlity. Can lly. and control Ight.
Sersi* płayfii perscnalrty can irritute some, and slte is an incorogiblo fart around attractive men.
Sersi inspired of Circe in Odysscy, and other
charactcrs, such as Mmuin and King Arthur Pi .NDRAGON. She has a reputation as a flirt, but she has proved her value during Eternals struggles against the l)eviants.
At Captain Amiiiucas request. Sersi joined the Avi:nc.ers, but under the influence ofPROCTOR, wound up battling her teammates. Secking penance. she departed for an altcrnate reality with her lovcr the lii ack Knkih i .The two fought Loki for control ofthe Infinity Genis, and Sersi becamc a member of I Ieroes for I lirę upon her return to mainstream Earth. DW
New York City
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 140 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black
Strange Tales Voi. 1 0109 (June 1963)
A powerful sorceress. Sera can rolcaso cosnuc i onorgry. craate IBusions. and j transmuto matier. j Capable of fttyhl and wiiialty mnortal.
Sersi has vasT.
Formerly based in an abandoned rnental asylum in new York State, now in a secret location, the Serpent Society is a criminal organization whose member* base their costumed identities on snakes. Origtnally founded by Sidewinder, the Society crime like a businevs.The leader assigns speciflc niembers to each job and supplies them with a detailed plan. A percentage ofthe fce pa id for each job is allocated to administration costs. overhead and legał fees. Membcrs can takc outsidc jobs, but they must pay the Society a ser percentage for each job. In exchange for these fees, each member receives group health Insurance, free legał representation and a place to reside. Membership ofthe
Society has changcd over time. TO
1 DcothAdder
2 RaTi»-i
3 ■ • ltonmoutn
4 Oomondback
SIDEWINDER (Seth Voalkner) Interdimensional travel. ANACONDA (Blanche Sitzniski) Eloogates limbs: amphibious. ASP (unrevealed)
Energy field; fires venom-bolts. BLACK MAMBA (Tanya Seaty) Mesmerism; projects 1 inky clouds of Darkforce. BUSHMASTER Taił crushes his enemies. COTTON MOUTH (Ouincy Mclver) Bionicjaws. RATTLER (Gustav Krueger) Bionic taił generates sonie shockwaves.
Captam Ameoca «310 (October 1985)
Thoogh il rwely maos ']
Dusnoss with revenge. the i
Serpent Soaety lias ofton mado an exoepton in Captam Amenca* ease.
Sersi = Society